Needs help but no answers

I've been growing since february 18th of this yr. I've been making posts for help but it jus seems like nobody is helping or posting advice. Kinda frustrating because im very new and kinda cluess except for the pieces that I've researched. I have a couple concerns that I can't figure out. Right now 1 of my plants or almost 5 weeks and the other 4. The 4 weeker is jus a freakin runt outta this world but its growing so im not killing it. The 5 weeker. Still seems small(7-8 inches)and is doesn't have a lot af green on it(leaf wise) like I see a lot of ppl on here. On some of the leafs on the lower nodes are getting brown tips with slight yellowing. First problem. I want to add 4 cfls but I don't know where to get the correct ones and thw wyes also. 2nd problem. And the overall issue is the size of the plants. I have given them sum vegging nutes(thrive b1 red,sugar daddy,magical, bc boost and grow) but they are slow slow growing without a lot of veggie growth. The whole set up is as follows:

Light: t5 ho 4 bulb 4 foot fixture. 20000 lumen output.
Nutes: technaflora starter kit for success
soil: scotts moisture protection(switching to ffof mix cuz I jus found a nursery in the city)
Closet size is 2x4x4. With plants ea in 3 gal pots.

Its only for these plants so the lighting right now is cool. I do have sum veggie growth between the stem and leaves but overall it jus doesn't look bushy at all. Also the strain is ATA TUNDRA. Any advice and help will be appreciated. I have pics but my phone wont let me upload them. But soon as I can I will.
Also to add to prev. Post, the 5 weeker has its nine set leaflets growin jus so u guys and gal know where it kinda stands


Well-Known Member
How far off your plants is the light? I'd likely have it within 4" of the tops. Maybe just give it some clean water and ease up on the nutes.
How far off your plants is the light? I'd likely have it within 4" of the tops. Maybe just give it some clean water and ease up on the nutes.
The lights have been about 2-3 inches of the top since they first sprouts. Yea my next feeding will be straight water that I get from the grocery store. Im glad to c how far it has come so far(well both b/+ the young one wasn't growing at all for about a week but right when the thought of gettin rid of it popped in my head,it started growin). But it jus seems to me by it being and f1 hybrid strain it would be doin much bettering
Transplanted the 5weeker yesterday. Woke up to a disaster. It has drooping leaves and some of the leaf stems aree turning purple. I don't kno if I overwatered it but when I took it out of the pot it was dry as hell. Any input on this would be appreciated