Needing Tips and Ideas on a Hydroponic System!! Please..


Active Member
You may want to look into getting 1 or 2 Waterfarms. It is a recirculating drip system similar to DWC. They can be found online for $49.99 and have seen reports from multiple forums where you can yield 9 to 16 oz off one plant in one Waterfarm. Google Waterfarm General Hydroponics..all sorts of goodies pop up. Something to consider...


im sure whatever you do is going to flourish if you keep this kind of planning up. I must insist that you purchase the bible. The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green its the second edition. Ive read it multiple times through cover to cover and still refer to it for info.
Ill look into it, I have a similar "bible" I refer to when growing, its been written by Jorge Cervantes, he also has a 3 dvd series on growing I also have downloaded.


You may want to look into getting 1 or 2 Waterfarms. It is a recirculating drip system similar to DWC. They can be found online for $49.99 and have seen reports from multiple forums where you can yield 9 to 16 oz off one plant in one Waterfarm. Google Waterfarm General Hydroponics..all sorts of goodies pop up. Something to consider...
Thanks man, i'm looking it up now. I'm sure if its something I feel adventuring into, ill find something to download on it lol