Needing some good advice


Well-Known Member
hi n thanks to all that stop by n leave some info.

my question is....

my plants are 8 week strains and on tuesday they will get the 6th weeks feed. last week was the first week of reducing feed so a week after tuesday they shud be flushed for 2 weeks.. ive not got any hairs changing colour yet.. is this normal and shud i be reducing the feed.

do the hairs change or start to change at a certain time or what.????

im sure that my last grow at this stage the plants had alot of hairs changin colour. ive had really cold temps for the last 3 weeks and lowest recorded at night was 5.6c. would this cause the plants to slow down and be ready later than the 8 wks. shud i reduce feeds as normal and see wot happens..

even my leaves are all 100% dark green. no yellowing in sight..

please help as im not sure wot to do..

thanx ppl.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm a new grower and learning myself but I have read allot so here are my two cents (jump in any time guys if I'm screwing up).

First off, I assume your doing a lowryder strain (from your statement of an 8 week strain). I admit I don't know allot about it but, pot is pot.

Is this grow from new seed or clone? You state at this stage on your last grow the hairs (pistals) were changing color and you also stated it had been rather cold. I assume your grow room temperatures also dropped during your dark period so I'd say your crop has been delayed in maturing.

Have you changed anythig like nutrients? I'd give them some more time since harvesting too early would lead to an inferior harvest.

Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
im growing white widow and some bigbud afghani clones. they seem like they have a long way to go but would the plant not be programed to only go the 8 weeks.???

ive not changed the nutes but have slightly reduced them. my ppm is still up around 1100-1300.


Well-Known Member
here is the chart i go by and it says reduce on 6th week.. can i get away with keeping the same strength for a few weeks or wot.???


Well-Known Member
it says reduce in 6th week and how can it be possible not to do this.???

i thought all plants were programed to do wot they do and even thru cold times they shud still do wot they do, if cold weather can affect the time in which you flower can some one please leave me sum info.. thanx..



Well-Known Member
sorry the 5th week is wen you start to reduce the feeds and ive already done this and on tuesday i will be at the 6th weeks dose and i dont know wot to do as all 8 of my plants only have white hairs.. if the cold temps of 5.6 have slowed the plants dwn does this mean they will go by the 8 weeks.??????????????????????????????????????

need help ppl.


Well-Known Member
You cant go by charts & preset time frames,these time frames are only rough guides,you need to look at the buds closely,the condition of the bud is what tells you when & what to do,not a time frame,there are way too many variables in growing that effect bud development to have hard nailed times.

Scope your buds out & look at the trich's,they will tell the story.


Well-Known Member
so are you sayin when the trics turn from clear to cloudy thats when i should flush???

if thats wot your sayin do you recomend that i suould keep my fees at the same strength till then without reducing..


Well-Known Member
so are you sayin when the trics turn from clear to cloudy thats when i should flush???

if thats wot your sayin do you recomend that i suould keep my fees at the same strength till then without reducing..

lol should n feeds.. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
can you tell me wot im looking for regarding trics plz m8... thanx
Yes,give me a few to dig up some pics for you.

Here ya go,read this thread,in the start trich's are clear like water,then they get milky or cloudy,after that they turn a light amber color kinda like ice tea color,what effect you get from smoking depends largely on what color the trich's are,all clear trich's is no good as its still premature,the more amber the trich's are the harder the buzz hits you when you smoke it..


Well-Known Member
thanx again look great.

would you advise me to keep feeding as i am just now , till the first signs of the trics goin cloudy or should i do somthing else.?


Well-Known Member
thanx again look great.

would you advise me to keep feeding as i am just now , till the first signs of the trics goin cloudy or should i do somthing else.?
Stay on your schedule until you flush,if you want a heavy buzz dont start flushing till the trich's are about 30% amber,if you want a fast buzz with energy start flushing when the trich's are very cloudy.


Well-Known Member
im soooo glad of your advice pahead. maybe this is why my last grows have not produced good weed..

knowlege is a wonderfull thing and thanks for taking the time to share yours with me..

appreciated m8.


Well-Known Member
im soooo glad of your advice pahead. maybe this is why my last grows have not produced good weed..

knowlege is a wonderfull thing and thanks for taking the time to share yours with me..

appreciated m8.
Your welcome.


Well-Known Member
I see your doing a hydro grow from your last post. Should have done soil for a newbie. I'm playing with a DWC for a basil plant (spice) just to get my feet wet but don't think I can offer much advice. Is your nute reservoir clean? Have you been changing it? Is it contaminated?

I know you nute charts says change but it is clear your plant is not ready. I'd say stay on hold where your at and maybe even back off a bit.

Your plants will be ready when THEY decide they are ready, not the chart. Mother Nature and all that good stuff.

Like panhead said;
"time frames are only rough guides, you need to look at the buds closely, the condition of the bud is what tells you when & what to do, not a time frame, there are way too many variables in growing that effect bud development to have hard nailed times".

Just be patient, keep the nutes where they are, look at your trichs for the right color and layback and enjoy. Rushing it will only screw up everything. You just got lucky on your first grow that it followed the nute schedule.


Well-Known Member
i checked the trics wi my scope and there mostly all clear from wot i can make out..

this mite sound daft but is there a time scale between clear , cloudy and amber.??

suppose all are different eh. will keep checking the trics and will let you know how things go..



Active Member
This is my opinion If the hairs have not changed color keep with the nutes when you see about 1/2 change color do your flush and then let them finish out. your last 2 weeks is when your buds gain there weight so let them go they will be fine they are plants not robots