Needing some advice

I have 5 LSD growing in the loft, they are about 3-4 weeks into flowering but not showing any signs of buds, is this ok?:confused: They are growing in an NFT under a 400 watt HPS and just put 2 x 120 CFLs to add light to the bottom. Any advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
I have 5 LSD growing in the loft, they are about 3-4 weeks into flowering but not showing any signs of buds, is this ok?:confused: They are growing in an NFT under a 400 watt HPS and just put 2 x 120 CFLs to add light to the bottom. Any advice would be great.
How old were they when you put them in 12/12? Flowering can only be force-triggered to a certain extent; a very young plant will stay in veg stage until it's ready despite a 12/12 life cycle.

If they are say, 4-5 weeks into veg or beyond, I'd say your problem is a light leak -- you've got enough light coming in from somewhere to keep them thinking the days are long, still. Go into your grow area when it's supposed to be stone-dark in there and make sure it is. If you can see your hand extended in front of your face, it's too light in there.

Illegal Smile

I agree with Kriegs. Rule out a light leak, and then if they are growing and looking good, don't worry about it.
They were over 4 weeks when put on to flower and it is in totall darkness up there, all covered with black/white.

Cant pist a pic right now as the lights are on during the night (for cost and to avoid the night temp)

Really not sure if there just going to take a bit longer but there still growing like hell.

Active Member
There are only a few conditions that have to be met in order to get plants to flower...maturity and darkness....that's pretty much it (of course, I'm not including the obvious....water, food, oxygen,etc.)

The problem with "go in the grow area" is the setup might not be a room....but rather a small contained area that wouldn't fit a person. If this is the case what you might try doing is the opposite. Keep the lights on in the small space and make it pitch dark outside the grow space. If you can see a lot of light coming out of the area then that means light will go into the area.'s a matter of deduction.

Plants will be mature by a months time. If you're plant has been in flowering for 3-4 weeks that would suggest they are mature (unless your plant was just 'born' and immediately put into flowering....not highly likely). In other words, even if your plant was only a week or so old when you put it into flowering and it's a month later, it's definately mature and should show some type of indication.

Secondly, are your plants growing? Plants that are flowering still get taller. In fact, they can grow more than twice their size. Have you noticed any growing? If the plants are still growing and not getting flowers then that might indicate it's a lighting issue.

Unless you put your plant in wayyyyyyy too early, it's most likely getting too much light.

I hope this helps. In the mean time, check out this post....maybe you can help me.
Just had another look, they are still growing and there are a few hairs but still no real sign of buds.... hope there ok and not going to take weeks longer as im counting on them for harvest the first week in feb. Fingers crossed :bigjoint:


New Member
At three weeks, you should see definite signs of the START of flowering. You won't see buds, but you WILL see a yellowing at the center of the eventual bud sites. This, in fact, is my favorite time in the plant's life cycle. I think they are even more beautiful at this point than when in full flower.