Needing help with construction!


Active Member
[FONT=&quot][/FONT]Hey all, I am in the process of beginning construction on a grow cabinet. I am using a prebuilt two door cabinet as a base to work off of because I don't think I am ready to do it from scratch because I have neither the skills, nor the tools to do it covertly without arousing questions as to the nature of my project :roll:.

The dimensions of the existing cab are 22 inches wide, 15 inches deep and [FONT=&quot]60 inches tall. I do however have the option to choose where to place the divider for the two rooms.[/FONT] I want to include a veg room and a flower room in the box. I want to grow with soil but eventually switch to an ebb and flow hydro setup. The reservoir would be in a remote container though. I intend to use CFL's for veg and either a 150 or 250 watt HPS for flower. I am considering LST or SCRoG.

SO my questions are numbered:
1. Utilizing that [FONT=&quot]60 inch vertical space I mentioned, how would you split it between the two chambers?
2. How much space should be allowed between the cooltubed HPS light and the plants final height?
3. Will say, 250 Watts be enough to produce in the space I am considering? Could I get away with 150? Do I need more?
4. How many plants do you think I should expect to fit into each chamber? My guess was roughly one square foot of floor space per mature plant, so 2 in each, 4 in all?
5. LST or SCRoG? Is one more suited to one method of growing than another? Should I think about more plants and lollipopping instead of the conventional method?

If I am way off on any of this, please tell me, I only posted this because I need suggestions and confirmation. Also, if you have any novel suggestions or think I should try something completely different in this space, tell me! Most of the time I much prefer to lurk and read. :joint:



Active Member
Any answers/suggestions would be appreciated, I just don't want to start this thing off with the wrong ideas in my head. If somebody needs more info. to answer I'll do my best!


Well-Known Member
I would probably split it so about 20 inches go to the veg and 40 to flower. I think a 150W would be your best choice due to heat issues alone.
How many plants? Id say 2, but start with maybe 6, half will be male and one will die because of some reason. If not then pick best of remaining 3.
Because your space is horizontally limited LST or scrog isnt suited in your situation. Go for the regular straight up grow.


Well-Known Member
1. In your situation, I would lightproof between the sections, and maybe section off 1/3 of it, maybe less for mothers and clones, or less for just clones if you sog.
2. My experience with HPS light is.... none, but from what I've read, you will need at least 12" (I think). I would consider cfl's throughout, people are doing it with great success, check out the CFL grow section.
3. No idea, sorry.
4. Start more than you plan to harvest, like valuablevariable said. Maybe 3 or 4 plants, depending on if you use mothers or sog. Just a couple of clones takes up much less space than keeping a mother, but both have advantages and disadvantages.
5. I would stick to either LST or ScrOG, save the more unconventional methods for when you have some experience. In a limited space, Zen had problems with taking plants in and out once they have reached the screen, and he switched to LST. Both seem good, it might depend on your particular space.
Hope that helped, good luck with your growbox!