Needing Approval of These Lights!

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
Hello, everyone! I trust all are doing well? I'm just now chopping my first grow and am investing in new lighting for this next grow. I have a 10'x12'x8' (120 sq. ft. or 960 cu. ft.) room in which I'm growing.

Vegging Using 36 sq. ft. (3' x 12') or 180 cu. ft. (3'W x 12'L x 5'H):

Ten 48" T12 40W Fluorescent Lights set at 24/24 per four plants in 12" pots.

*Note: six bulbs are top lighting, while four bulbs (two on either side) are side lighting.

Flowering Using 56 sq. ft. (7' x 8') or 448 cu. ft. (7'W x 8'L x 8'H):

One 1000W (120v) Metal Halide Bulb set at 12/12 per twelve plants in 12" pots.

Here is the MH lamp I'm considering: GLX Series Remote Ballast-International Greenhouse Company Greenhouse Mega Store has everything you need to build, equip, and maintain a commercial, hobby, school or institutional greenhouse.

What say you, fellow journeymen?


Well-Known Member
t5's rock t12's overall also mh isnt the best for flowering mh is for veg get a hps instead. Also if you are just doing 4 plants a 1000w would be overkill get a 600w best lumen per w converstion.