need your opinion


Well-Known Member
Ok I need everyone's opinion. This has been on my mind for quite some time.

Now I made the decision to grow, based on the fact that I was tired of spending so much money, and getting the same old street weed.

Plus the fact of taking the chance of getting caught helped me come to the conclusion.

Now I am a firm believer in that yes it should be legalized, or at least you should be able to grow for your own personal use.

What I do not agree with is growing it so that you can sell it.

I feel that it hurts the cause for the legalization of marijuana.

Now this site has helped me out so much, and I am deeply grateful. During my many a many post reading, I have seen some great setups.

When I look at a grow setup I see what I can learn from it, and appreciate the many different ways these plants are grown.

But some of these setups make me wonder. It is really for personal use or for profit.

When I see an entire room with fifty plants. Separate rooms for veg flowering, and cloning, I find it hard to believe that it is for personal use.

I mean how much could one or a couple really need for there own personal use.

I have three plants going now. All female, and I hope that it will be enough for me and my wife, while I start my second grow.

My second grow I am gonna go for six.

Anyway was just wondering what everyone else thought on this


Well-Known Member
Not everybody here grows for personal use.Some people make a living growing mj.Some people work a 9 to 5 some people own their own business and some people are Farmers lol.
Some people grow for patients,family members or people they know that are ill that can benefit from it.Then u got your people who do for personal use.(I know I need 4-5 oz a month)Then u got your dealers.


Well-Known Member
Not everybody here grows for personal use.Some people make a living growing mj.Some people work a 9 to 5 some people own their own business and some people are Farmers lol.
I understand that, but do you think that when MJ is grown to be sold to others, that it hurts the movement to have it legalized ??


Well-Known Member
i dont think it hurts to sell the weed you cant smoke when you grow.. and its a way to get back the money you invested in the equipment..
as long as you dont rip off the people you sell to, like some dealers do.. imo its fine..


Well-Known Member
I understand that, but do you think that when MJ is grown to be sold to others, that it hurts the movement to have it legalized ??
It kind of does but no matter what, the fact is it's illegal in most states and it's better to buy from folks like us than aid Cartels that bring it through the border.


Well-Known Member
not everyone can grow their own. shit, i'd kill to have 3 plants growing in my closet. but i also thank god that someone is growing it for me and the others so that we can better our lives.


Well-Known Member
not everyone can grow their own. shit, i'd kill to have 3 plants growing in my closet. but i also thank god that someone is growing it for me and the others so that we can better our lives.
Hey I feel for you.

It would just be nice for the government to not be able yo use that as an excuse for why they won't legalize it.


Well-Known Member
i dont think it hurts to sell the weed you cant smoke when you grow.. and its a way to get back the money you invested in the equipment..
as long as you dont rip off the people you sell to, like some dealers do.. imo its fine..
exactly. selling weed does not hurt the movement. its the people getting beatup and hurt thats killing the movement. theres people who selling weed is their lively hood. they pay their bill and take care of their family with the money they make off of marijuana. if selling marijuana is bad, then that would mean that marijuana in itself is bad.....which its not. but im my opinion, selling weed is perfectly fine, as long as your treating your customers good then its perfectly fine. your paying for a service and they are supplying it.