Need your ADVISE!!

trichlone fiend

New Member
I always suggest newbies start off in soil, with organic fertilizers (you have more give). However, for each his own. Bubbleponics have a very good name, and can be simple.


Active Member
Me and my gf are thinking about growing, i've been studying for a few months and i was wondering if this bubbleponic system would be a good way to start.

Here's the link:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.bongsmilie
Ok, 1st stealth hydroponics is a great company. That being said if you have 200 dollars sitting around and dont mind spending it on a system you could easily build yourself then I say go for it. On the other hand there are plenty of DIY bubbleponics/DWC/aeroponic growing systems on this forum. Here is one of many.

~~> great bubbleponics tutorial modeled after the SH system

I did a soil grow for my first grow and it was horrible. But I made alot of mistakes. Not enough light, no ventaliation, poor soil mix, overwatered, underwatered, and finally shocked. SO if you dont make all those mistakes you will be ok.

Regardless, What im trying to say is that going hydro or soil for your first grow is fine. The hydro grow is alot more hands on if you are that kind of person that likes to be in your grow futzing around with the pH, PPM or EC, adding nutes, and replacing nutrient solutions. With soil, it is alot more hands off compared to hydro. But I am one of those people that will spend hours on end in my grow room, Usually I have music playing and ill be smoking a J and staring at my plants. But enough about me. ..... Bottom line......SH makes good products and if you follow their directions with the nutes you wont go wrong. Investing in a good grow light something like a MH/HPS conversion bulb would be excellent. Just some food for thought. I hope this helped you. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

Peace and positive energy to you



yea bubble or deep water culture are a good system to use but if u are new to growin i would say soil is a better, it is more forgiving if u mess up and not as noise. the air pumps viberate and that can be bad if your girlfriends peep come in and hear it.