Need Urgent Help, Please

Hi. I recently had three plants given to me and I have no idea what to do with them. I wasn't ever planning on growing anything so I've only just begun trying to learn about it, but I don't think my plants have the time to wait for me to get my poop in a group.

Here's what I got: three plants, unsexed, in 12 oz biodegradable cups - I'm not sure, but I think potting mix was used. I don't know the strain. They are about 6" tall right now. I have them sitting at a southern facing window where they just get natural light, but, clearly, it's not enough because they are not looking so good and not growing much at all. I water them about every other day and try not to over do it.

The only space I have to grow these properly is a crawlspace under my house. It's 4' to the bottom of the supporting beams and 5' to the ceiling in between the beams. The ground is rock hard, clay soil, but I can dig into it to make more room for pots or trays (as in bury the potting container in the ground, not the plant itself). It's a large space, about 400 sq feet, but there is no direct ventilation outside other than the clothes dryer tubie thing (which gets clogged all the time). There is a regular light down there already and also easy access to power outlets.

I've read quite a few posts on here, but I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with the terms and whatnot to make sense of it all and so I'm desperately hoping someone can help me figure out how I should grow these and details about what I need to buy/build (I'm kinda handy).

I don't think my plants will last much longer (ignorant guess?) so I'm kinda antsy about saving them. Please help me save my plants! :wall:

Thanks for reading.


Active Member
The plants need direct sunlight, at least several hours everyday so move them to a window facing east or west for now. The will die if they don't get direct light soon and it's probably time to transplant to a bigger pot.

The crawl space is a gamble on space because you could have an auto flower that maxes out at 2ft tall or a 5.5ft sativa on you hands. I guess you can always tie it down if height becomes a concern. You'll also have to make sure you can get the space ventilated, intake and exhaust. With easy access to outlets you can use cfls, power strips, and a few outlet to socket adapters to run some lights. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
hiya sweetie/bro...not sure u got any pix? they need lots of energy. At least a 125W floro if inside and if you can put em outside that's even better. Nice rich mix. Peat lite base and add nutes or use a Fox Farms product or Miracle Gro or something. READ UP> THERE'S LOTS OF INFO HERE FOR FAQ'S
Peace, Dan