tip top toker
Well-Known Member
hehe, just reminds me of southpark when cartman sucks butters dick and trys to claim it's not gay 

Hackney, you?what part of london?
WalthamstowHackney, you?
e17, we grew up 15 mins away from eachother yeah, so i can tell you now that what you get up to is not normal.Walthamstow
i got it put a dvd case, is that what u mean, on my order page it says that they are awaiting payment, so im wondering if becuase i didnt print the page and wrote it down that they just took the cash and discarded my order.I've never had any problems with Attitude. Use the stealth delivery option.
e17 said:to be honest, people were laughing and its dead history now, i am straight and i dont really care if people think im not specialy since most girls rememba me as the horniest boy in aveling park.
LMFAO ---------> What he said <--------- Me thinks your a little quick to be putting things up your butt....... what what in the butt.^^^have fun puttin things in your butt lol