Need to raise my ph, home remedys?


Ursus marijanus
Not many options imo. For soil, lime is the best thing. For hydro, you truly do not want sodium ion. The typical bases however are baking soda and sodium carbonate (pool pH-up or painter's TSP "substitute"). If you have access to slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) you can make a solution (aquarists call it Kalkwasser, German for "lime water") and use that. But a hydroponic pH-down is typically potassium bicarbonate (if solid) or potassium hydroxide solution. The good news is, a little goes a rather long way. cn


Well-Known Member
It's a soil issue, my ph is very low, 4 or less.. I know, poison , I flush my containers till I got up to 6, but could not get it any higher. If I use lime, or soda ash, how can I apply it to get the ph I need? I recycle my soil at times, likely cause of problem.