Need to Cut Down Cheese, 7 1/2 weeks flower????



I have got 7 days from today left before my girls have got to be moved, they hav been in flower for 7 1/2 weeks, they are cheese and hav been told they need 10 weeks flower..

they are decent enough size now, am thinking... is it going to affect the weed in any way, or will it just be less of it?? coz its smellin real nice at the min, please dont tell me am fucked!!

Hairs on top are still all white, down the sides of the plants they are starting to go brown..

I have been feeding only water for 6 days so am guessin thats enough flush??

Need to cut down tonight, waiting on some helpful soul out there to tell me am good as to go for it..

to be clear got 7 days from today, so need to chop tonight in order to be dry, been told at least a week..

Thanks folks!:eyesmoke:



Active Member
well i hang for 4 days. jar for a night then let sit on news paper or paper towels. one more night in a jar and thats a week. thats about as fast as it gets if you want a decent taste. they dont look ready. try bushmaster next time to shortin bud phase. good luck brudda

Illegal Smile

Harvesting will reduce both the quality and the yield. Every day represents a loss in both, sorry.


Active Member
bro dont cut it yet is definatly gonna effect potency
but depends on the kinda high u r after:

creamy trichs = head high
amber trichs = body lock high
50/50 trichs = 50/50 of th above mentioned affect


any way you can cut it at the last minute? and let it dry somewhere else? you've still got more swell to come to those buds, but they look great!


cant dry anywhere else, need to be done complete in 7 days.. I added the wrong pics aswell, look down 2 or 3 posts in this thread an the correct pictures are there thanks peeps, goin to chop in an hour after me tea ha thanks again for all responses