need tips and pointers, my plant just sprouted please helpHey guys.


Active Member
Hey guys. I had a plant sprout 3 days ago, and i had it under light but today i went downstairs and it died. I had another seed germinated and i put that in soil and it sprouted aswell. Can you give me some tips and pointers so i dont mess this plant up aswell. Right now im using schultz soil, its under 2 23watt cfls, together thats 3300 lumens. Also should i water it abit everyday? Also when it sprouted it was just the stem stick out with the shell still on top, is that normal?


Do what I did....

Put the seeds away and start reading everything you can find on how to grow the way you're thinking you want to grow. When you've answered all of your own questions and have a lot more.... keep reading.

Personally, I spent around 6 months 'learning' before going with my first real grow. No hassles, no hitches... great grow. :D Couldn't have done it so easily without all the learning in advance though.

For super easy growing with explosive growth and no headaches look up:

Hempy Buckets
Lucas Formula
All the info you can on controlling environment (heat, humidity, air-flow, lights, etc...)
All the info you can find on how plants grow in hydroponics

You're in control.... bone up on what ya need to know first. :D

Stay Safe!


Active Member
Thanks guys. 1 more thing My sprouted plant still has the seed shell on it, should i take it off myself or leave it?