Need suggestions on security after I have a succesfull harvest


Active Member
I have been growing now for about 10 years now for my personal use. I have always grown just a few plants for myself but now i've decided to invest some money and do a commercial grow operation. I believe i have a skill that I should take advantage of and frankly what i will produce will not kill anybody and might in fact help some sick people. well anyway, I have a place outside in the country close to no schools or parks. There will never be any other drugs or weapons in the property and I will keep below maximum limit of plants to avoid a higher felony charge, that way if i ever get busted I will probably just do probation time since It would be a first time offense. I got a totally clean police record. My problem is that i have to figure out a way to be able to find somebody who wants my product, let's say 5 pounds of prime bud, and do the transfer in the safest and most anonymous way possible. The best option possible would be in a way in wich I don't know who the buyer is personally and they don't know who I am. I know I could make more money if I sell it let' s say per ounce or even per pound but I would have to deal with more person's and that is one sure way to get busted sooner or later. therefore i would be willing to give a very reasonable price to someone who could take let's say 5 pounds every harvest in some sort of a way as stated above. Also I am fairly new to the area and I have a very private life so I don't know anybody personally who could help me with this aspect. I want to make this work for 2 or 3 years by wich time i could have the money needed to move to california and do this legally at a future time. Therefore I don't wan't to get caught till then and I don't wan't to end up in a botched deal with bags of pot in the trunk of the car and the money in a briefcase kind of a deal where guns could be pulled on you in a T.V. drama type of situation. I am not violent and I have a family of 4 so I want to do this in the safest way possible. It would be great if the pot went to medical users but not required since pot has never killed anyone. I would totally appreciate any suggestions you could have for me. my goal is to produce 10 pounds per grow cycle and I plan on using clones to harvest every 2 month's but It will probably take me a couple of harvest to get to 10 pounds per harvest.


Active Member
I think you have been inside my brain stealing my ideas.

Sounds like a plan to me. I could be interested if we live close enough.

If it sounds like i'm high or i look high i'm not. I do not smoke marijuana nor do I grow marijuana. I only smoke legal bud.


Well-Known Member
you can take it to a mmj state and sell it after you get your card. that would be the safest way, and legal.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, this is the safest way to do it. :hump: Set up a felony with a stranger on a grow forum. Maybe they will let you work in the prison garden. :dunce:

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
Hey greenfinger,from what I've read it sounds like u need a middle man, some one who you sell to who in turn sells the pot to smaller dealers or directly to the client.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is only fuck wit people you know or trust, dont just be out trying to sell weed to people you dont know easy way to get busted or get watched


Active Member
in reply to the posts on this subject,

just the fact that i am growing could get me in jail. i am aware of that so the point of this thread is to avoid that.

i was not raised here in this area ( indiana ) and I am a very private person and I only smoke with one other person, and he is not interested in this business ( he won't even know about it ) so I don't know anybody around here I can trust with this quantity of product, if I did then there would have been no issue. i don't live close to any states where medical clubs operate so that is out of the question.

I did not come here to make a deal with someone on this board, I wont' even have any product for a few months anyway, instead I am looking for suggestions on how to go ahead with this. for example i got this suggestion on another board, rent a storage space somewhere at our convenience, buy two cell phones the kind you buy the prepaid cards witch you don't need to register to any name and drop off the product along with one of the phones ( they are really cheap ) so when you have another delivery you call him with the other phone you bought. that way neither phone can be traced to any name. don't let him know where the product is until you have placed it there. get difrent phones for every delivery you make. the only problem with this is on how to get the money to me ! if you pick it up at the same place then that is one place you could get set up. this is not how i've decided to do it as i have plenty of time for that but it is an example of just one constructive suggestion i've gotten at other places i've posted this to.

i would rent the space under another name of course....

there are two issues here. first on how to find someone and second on how to do the transfer.

as far as how to find somebody I am not ruling out going with someone from this board or other boards like this but i am not stupid so i will not do this with the first person who offers ( i've already have a few offers ) I would do some research by reading all the posts they've posted, for example, the problem with that is that i've gotten a new identity in the internet for this purpose ( just in case ) so I have no previous posts other that this thread, so the more experienced serious persons would probably be more skeptical about me since I have no posts to do some research on me.

i might be overdoing it but i have a family and I want to do this as safelly as possible, being overly carefull has kept me out of trouble for all this time i've been growing. and i know once I find the right person or associate my plans are to keep this going without getting caught until the laws change, witch i think they will, eventually , or have enough capital saved up to move operations to a state where i could do this legally. california is very expensive !!