Need some T5 Info


Well-Known Member
Also those bulbs from walmart are probably not even t5ho's they are just standard t5's. This could be a big reason why a lot of people think t5's suck. They buy the wrong ones.[/quote]

agreed :hump:


Well-Known Member
its a good question, i actually use all three

-sunblaze 4' 4 tube 56w spectralux bulbs, 2 red, 2 blue- i use thise for my clones, uptill they're about 1 foot tall (after 1' the t5 lose alot of the penatrative power.

-So the 1' plants then go under 500w MH grow them another foot

then 400w hps to flower the girls

they stay nice and compact for the large size by the time i'm done

be carefull too the t5 will burn your plants if they grow upinto the bulbs


Well-Known Member
my t5's are sunblaze HO's, they came with clear plastic sleeves over the bulbs. they are still warm but dont burn my plants. i keep them just inches above the tops and a few times ihave found some of the faster plants right up touching them with no burns.


New Member
This is what I have. 4' 8 HO bulbs. I dont know about flowering but the veg seems to be great. It has a dual switch so you can turn on just the 4 center bulbs or the 2 on each side seperately. I am getting the dual spectrum 600 hps w/ 400 mh in the same reflector. Sun syten 7 fixture but I am getting seperate digital ballast. Just what I have come up with from reading the threads and research.