Need some stealthy help!


Hey guys, ive been researching up on growing some green cause its just too damn expensive! So i find this site and find out i can use cfls to grow pot! It blew my mind! So i had to go get everything i needed to grow.

Anyway this is a really stealthy operation and i need some advice on what to do! This is a closet grow and its in a trash can! I have to keep the light out of site (which i can use some advice on!) and i need to muffle my fans a little bit because they are a little loud. I will be setting up the fans tomorrow.

So can you guys tell me some advice you think ill need to pull off a complete stealth grow and get some pot? It would be amazing! Thanks :weed:
Also my area is about 3 feet tall and about a foot room in the bottom. Its gonna have to do for now!

2 6500k 23w and 1 3000k 20w cfls. Not much, but its a start.


Well-Known Member
to "muffle" your fans run them at 6-7.5 volts with an adjustable dc adapter. For light proof idk post some pics of the can and were it going to leak and go from there.
I had the same problem. What Im doing is doing 12/12 light cycle from the beginning,and I dont run the fans when the lights arnt on.

That way Its only running when Im home about to go to sleep. No one is in my room when Im sleeping. Then when I wake up and go out during the day everything is off and quiet....Just my 2 cent :-P


Thanks qaz and morbid. I hooked up my fans to a 7 volt dc charger and it works great! Much quieter. And for the light leaks, its only out of my fans now. I wanted to use a carbon filter but my fans just cant push through the filter enough to keep it cool in my trash can. I may do the 12/12 light cycle from the beginning like you and just keep it on when im asleep. But you can see the lights much better at night, but hear the fans more. And in the day, you can hear the fans but not see the lights. Hmmm... which way should i go?


Well-Known Member
it's really whatever you are comfortable with dealing with... my lights are on during the day and my fans run 24 i said it's really whatever your comfortable with and where you place your box that makes it stealth...


guys, im having a big problem with my DIY carbon filter. My fans cannot push through it very well and it captures a lot of heat! What do i do?

the church man

Well-Known Member
hey buddy,

i'm also doing a trash can grow! post some pics and lets get crackin on this one...

i'm pretty sure i've troubleshooted all my problems away and figured out my can. if you have any trouble you should PM me and we'll figure out a way around it.

i'm not sure what your set up looks like but i'm going to post a couple pics of mine just in case.



as for your fan, filter and heat problem...
how many fans do you have? where are they located on the can? can you put them together and running in the same direction so it gives them a lil boost?

carbon filters are only effective if all of the air moving through them is scrubbed. i've seen people make very good carbon filters but they pump so much air through that the dirty air doesn't have time to be scrubbed. it might not be a bad thing that the air moves slowly through your filter.

i would definately try to put the fans together so that they push together.

i hope somewhere along the line that i helped out...

lets discuss some options.

i'm excited to see another garbage grow!



Hey I made a grow box out of rubbermaid containers but haven't made a carbon filter yet I don't understand how I do it does it go inside or outside of the box and how do you connect the filter to the fan lol I am just starting out I don't know much yet.

the church man

Well-Known Member

read the FAQ's and the stickies. they'll help you out a lot more than most people here can. if not, simple internet searches often will guide you onto the right path.

asking questions that have been asked before will oftentimes not get you an answer.

good luck in your quest for knowledge


Well-Known Member
Church that garbage grow looks A++++++, Jeremy should take that and stealth it up a bit, clean up the wires, hide it in a closet painted black maybe?


Ha church you outdid my trash can grow by a mile. I don't have that kind of a trash can, i have a much smaller one, one to fit under your sink! Lol you have a very nice set up i might have to take that up a little bit. I'm also using soil right now. This is my first grow and my plants are still very small at the moment :P. Ill post pics probably saturday. I have to be stealthy about what im doing!

the church man

Well-Known Member
Hey I made a grow box out of rubbermaid containers but haven't made a carbon filter yet I don't understand how I do it does it go inside or outside of the box and how do you connect the filter to the fan lol I am just starting out I don't know much yet.
I think that the most effective place to put the carbon filter is on the intake of your exhaust. this way air is pulled through the exhaust and then vented out. so it would look like this...

room>>carbon filter>>exhaust>>>outside


guys, im having a big problem with my DIY carbon filter. My fans cannot push through it very well and it captures a lot of heat! What do i do?
well... i still don't know how everything is set up, but i guess i'll stab in the dark. is the carbon filter too densely packed? does it allow adequate airflow through it? or is the problem that the fans just aren't powerful enough? i'm assuming you're using lil computer fans. can you put one fan behind the other so that they help each other out? are the fans at the top where the hot air accumulates?

also, where is it located? is it in your closet or something with restricted space? if so, there's a possibility that you are just recirculating air back into your can. hot air that has been exhausted could be getting back in the can and getting hotter. i have the door open all day when the lights are on to get adequate ventilation.

what kind of intake do you have? passive i'm thinking... is the whole area airtight except for intake and exhaust?

also, light leaks. they are an issue when stealth is important. i had absolutely no idea that my trash can would glow like a giant blue lantern, but i love it. provides sweet lighting in my room. but in your case, i'm sure you don't want that thing glowing...

hope that i've given you some stuff to think about. sorry for the long post but there's just a helluva lot to do ya know? wow i typed a lot