Need Some Quick Answers About Cloning


Well-Known Member
My plant is a couple days away from flowering so I need to snip a quick clone, however I am having some trouble finding supplies. The Stone-Free video on cloning I saw, told me to get this mixture. 60% Potting Soil, 10% Building sand, 15% perlite, 10% worm castings, 5% premix 12-6-6

I cannot seem to find any worm castings, I have checked at Lowes and Walmart. Does anyone know what worm castings are? By the sound of it, sounds like worm poop, but im not sure, if its smashed up worms, I could easily dig some up.

Next problem is I cant find a 12-6-6 fertilzer, so if any1 could tell me another good fert combination to use for starting the plant out I would appreciate it. I know it needs high Nitrogen, but im not sure how high. Also all the fertlizers were for a certain plant it seemed like, does this matter? For instance some were for Palm Trees, some were for Sunflowers, etc.

Next thing is, how much sunlight do they need after I clone them, All my growing is done outside, in the sunlight. I live in southern U.S so it is hot out, and my other plants are doing beautiful, however I am not sure if there will be enough sunlight out for clones. I would say I get about 14 hours a day, and most of it is direct sunlight. Also should I clone in the morning, so that the clones have the whole day of light to help or should I do it at night, or does it even matter?

Next question is a cloning video, the guy sprayed the clones with a blooming agent, but in other videos, and websites, they just use water. Im pretty sure using a blooming agent that early is silly, but maybe im wrong.

Also I am using Miracle Grow Moisture Control, Iv heard alot of bad things about the old Miracle grow, but Im pretty sure Iv heard that the Moisture control soil is quality.

Please respond if you know anything about any of this, I really need answers fast, because if the White Widow starts to bud, its over. Thanks guys, and I apologize for any grammer, or spelling mistakes as I am writing this really fast because its really urgent that I get these answers


Well-Known Member
For ferts, worm castings, etc., you really need to go to your local hydro shop or online. Some head shops have them, but not too many.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont have any headshops around here, and as I mentioned I need to get everything by the next couple days, so unless I used next day delivery online isnt an option. Would I be fine just using the Miracle Grow Moisture Control and perlite?

Thanks for the response Billy


Well-Known Member
Well, first things first... do you have any root stimulator solution or powder? Although I have never tried to clone without it, I think it is pretty difficult to do so. Also, Miracle Gro - although not ideal - could be used if no rockwool is available to start them off. Make sure to bump this in a few hours so someone who has experimented a bit can respond.


Well-Known Member
Yeh I have root hormones, and I have peatpellets to plant them in. Also is it manditory to soak the cut branch in water for 15-30 minutes, someone please help, I would like to clone tomorow, but my lack of knowledge would surely lead to me screwing things up : )


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how to make worm castings?? or even what worm castings consist of?? is it just worm poop, because I think I could round up a group of worms and slip some X-lax in there soil.. : )


Well-Known Member
yep when the worm drops a duece you got yourself a worm casting, youd be better suited to just go out and buy some though.


Well-Known Member
Dude you don't NEED fucking worm castings. If you have a decent soil mix and rooting gel you are all set. People root clones in cups of water for Buddha's sake.

Edit - Search cloning or clones and there are tutorials on it.


Well-Known Member
yeh don't sweat the worm castings, you don't need to feed them for at least a week, maybe two. I would hold off until you get a rooting hormone, in a pinch you can go to walmart and get superthrive, when you use it in it's undiluted form and just dip your cuttings in them quickly before planting they should root. If you have a willow tree around look up willow water for rooting, you can make it yourself. Short of that, hold off on the flowering untill you get some hormone.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Go here

Cloning Marijuana

DON'T try this outdoors! It WILL NOT WORK. You DO NOT need worm castings...and no one in this thread has offered you any info that will offer you success.

Follow these directions. the stuff you need should be fairly easy to find. If google for CLONING MARIJUANA and find another method.

READ READ READ. You can do this...just take the time to set yourself up properly and take more cuts than you think you want to end up with.

PS. Superthrive is not a rooting hormone and may actually stunt your cuts.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help so far, and I got rooting Hormones. And I konw that I should hold off flowering until I get clone, except if you didnt read, my plants are outdoors so I have no control. One of them already started budding, so im thinking the other one, that is in the same " earthbox" is going to start budding soon to. Only problem, is I cant put clones indoors at all, so after I clone im going to have to keep them outside. Someone said that, they wont get enough light outside, so its pointless. True or false?


Well-Known Member
it's usually best to use 18 to 24 hours of light on clones but your real issue will be the fact that the temp can dip too low at night and you really do need a controlled environment to clone in. The nice thing about clones is that they can fit into small places like under your bed with a single light, sure you can't keep them indoors?


Well-Known Member
Yeh theres no way of growing it indoors, but temps will not drop below 60, I live close to mexico, so temps are normally 80's. See, in this article( Cloning Marijuana ) it says to spray the leaves with 1/10 bloom formula, as well as dip the cut end into the formula before putting root hormones on, but in every other clone video, or website about cloning it says nothing about this. Anyone tried with bloom formula? because I do not currently have the formula, and I would rather not go get some, but if it really helps, then I will. I am planning on cloning tomorow, as I have everything ready, justt waiting for a little bit more information, so I dont ruin it.