Need some opinions on Skywalker Kush late blooming issue

Hey guys, hope everybody's good.

So, I'm kinda worried about a possible late blooming issue on my Skywalker Kush grow. They're actually 5 weeks old, just beginning the 6th today, and they don't seem as developed as they should be at this point.

I grow in a 4x4" tent, under a 600w Hps bulb. I'm kind of a soil guy, using lightmix soil and some Advanced Nutrients products, actually Sensi Bloom and Big Bud. I'll switch the Big Bud with to Overdrive in a couple of days (?).

I got 5 plants, and they all received 30 day of growth under a 400w Mh bulb, in 3 gal pots (1 gal the first two weeks). Hygro is "good" , 40-60%, but temps aren't prefect tough, 55-57°F light off, 63-68°F light on. I think it might be the issue.

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This is my third grow ever so I'll take every advice you'll provide.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the broken English. I'm from far far away :mrgreen:
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They look fine. The light temps aren't ideal but it's not going to kill you. Some strains put on a ton of weight at weeks 8-10. Also most kush are low yielding.
yeah a lot of your weight goes on the last two weeks... make sure your scoping them for your trichomes to turn and not going on a time scale. grow in a time scale of 8 weeks or whatever your breeder lists it as generally isn't exact at all and the finishing date can very depending on simple things like your environment. but most the weight comes late.

temps are definitely low and they will actually effect yield a lot.. especially cold temps
they don't look bad though but i would get your temps up... the easiest way is infrared heating.. it heats evenly bottom to top and it also heats objects so it would heat your pots outer edges keeping the root zone warmer.
looks like they could use some potassium... potas is the energy element, like carbs for a athlete. So when your plant is working hard or stacking on the weight they need to have enough potass... But with low temps everything slows so maybe dont want to give potass unless you can get your temps up
With the exception of temps everything looks fine. Don't concern yourself with counting days or weeks they really don't matter. Just work on keeping them healthy and when their done their done weather it takes 60 days or 90 days.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your answers !

Also most kush are low yielding.

Actually, I'm a bit familiar with the "Og family", as I already grew DNA's Kosher Kush and Lemon Og Kush (absolutely beautiful strains). The Kosher Kush didn't exactly yield way above average, but I wasn't disappointed neither, it was my first grow and the nugs were already pure dankness :shock:
For the second grow, I've had one amazingly high yielder Lemon Og pheno, and again, the finished product was straight fire. Skywalker Kush is supposed to be one of the best yieder Og that DNA has, but I'm not exactly expecting a way below average yield, and that's not what I'm interested in. One does not grow Og Kush for the yield :mrgreen:

make sure your scoping them for your trichomes to turn and not going on a time scale. grow in a time scale of 8 weeks or whatever your breeder lists it as generally isn't exact at all

I've acquired one of those little led-scope, wich is actually quite efficient. I'm actually planning to harvest at 50/50 or 60/40 cloudy/amber. Don't know yet. I usuallly grow on a 10-11 weeks time scale. But, again, this is my third grow ever, and the third time I'm growing an Og Kush variant (just in love with all those fire strains you guys have in the US :mrgreen:) and they all have similar blooming durations. If I have to push those Skywalker's to 11 weeks, so be it .

but i would get your temps up... the easiest way is infrared heating..

I already got a little radiant heater, but obviously those devices use a lot of electricity. I could use it only while in night period, but it just wouldn't fit in the tent without touching some pots, leaves or even buds, anyway. So I think I might unfortunately just keep doing what I can with what I have. I might try with the heater outside of the tent, just in front of the passive intake, even if I don't really think it would do the trick. It could just be pure loose of electricity, so I'll try a couple of hours and just see what happens on the thermometer :???:

I'm growing in my basement, so there's not much I can do for temps issues. I may just put something under the pots to isolate the roots from the cold of the concrete ground. Could be a little improvement ...

But what kind of infrared heating device are you thinking about, exactly ? Some kind of lamp or just an usual heater ? There is that kind of heating wires that I know of, to put around the pots, but it will only be efficient for the roots (wich I know are indeed very sensitive to the cold) I still think the best would be to heat the whole plant (the whole space)... I'm not convinced that heating only the roots could be an improvement that would justify an other modification ...

But please tell me if I'm wrong :!: I'll read to any suggestion you have, I'm here to learn.

looks like they could use some potassium...

Yeah, I know PK is all they need at this point of their development, and I'm really trying hard to provide them what they need. I'm using AN Sensi Bloom along with the Big Bud/Overdrive combo, and I'm already giving them more nutes I ever did to my Kosher Kush and Lemon Og Kush (and Strawberry Banana), and they don't seem to be over-fert at all, so I'll keep providing, without exaggerating of course.

With the exception of temps everything looks fine. Don't concern yourself with counting days or weeks they really don't matter. Just work on keeping them healthy and when their done their done weather it takes 60 days or 90 days.

I'm usually not counting days and, to be honest, what concerned me was an other DNA Skywalker Kush Grow I saw online, which seem to be more developed than mine for an equal time period. There's also those Kosher Kush's I grew two years ago, which were more developed after 5 weeks of 12/12, for a slightly longer flowering cycle, according to the breeder (8/9 weeks for the Skywalker Kush, 9/10 for the Kosher)...

Here's a couple shots of my ex Kosher Kush's at day 37 of bloom :
745632.png 478569.png 235698.png

But as alaskachic said, those words of yours are wise :D There's a lot of parameters to take into consideration that differ from one grow to an other, even if the strains are similar, so I might just stop worrying and keep them healthy.
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The kilowatt hour is actually a little bit more expensive in my part of the world ;) And it won't solve my problem, which occurs while in night period.
That's what a dehumidifier gives you for FREE unless you're not worried about mold. And with those temps your humidity should naturally be high. That's what happens with low temps it can't hold water as well.

It's 30 degrees here outside. My setup is in the basement with no heat and I'm pulling air in to maintain 66(+\-1 degree) with lights out.

Nothing is free and if you're going to spend to grow you dam sure don't bud rot or mold. That's really not saving money.