Need some info on USC


Well-Known Member
USC is a new breeder set added to sannies list

They have this [h=1]Colombian gold X Jamaican lambsbread[/h]
Supposed to be a cross of there 2 inbred lines of each

was wondering if anyone had any on them because i seriouslly wanna pick up bulk of these beans if so

the durbanghani x PCK sounds pretty devastating as well


Well-Known Member
I wish they would make descriptions a bit more descriptive. I'd be interested if they said "landrace sativas" but all they say is inbred.


Well-Known Member
land race= wild strains not bad

inbred = landrace inbred for certain qualities a IBL should have consistant qualites between beans

so that being said these seeds should be damn gems and the flower times are spot on if you give the extra two weeks for full maturation

edit ps example

Corn think about how much diff corn is today than what it was before because they inbred the corn with the qualities we like

ever see a wild banana?