Need some info on Grafting


Well-Known Member
hey fellow RIU members.. i was looking for some information on grafting. since at this point in time i dont have an adequate space to grow anything more than a mother i was exploring the option of getting some good seeds.. and grafting a couple different strains onto a mother plan which wuld just veg and be used to give some friends clones at this point in time. once i get into my new place i could then either a take clones of each strain and flower clones or b take clones flower the mother plant and begin the process again. Any info you guys have would be greatly appreciated. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks Supa ... so im assuming as many "grafts" as wanted could be done within reason correct?


Well-Known Member
Limitless! But they don't always take 100% of the time. Plus it would get unreasonable to maintain too many scions while keeping the rootstock trimmed.


Well-Known Member
understood. would topping or FIM be relevant? lets say i wanted to do 5 strains total on a mother... if i FIMmed then grafted a different strain to each "cola" (saying taht i got 4 main colas of course) they should get the benefit of growing larger than the rest. which actually might just be perfect to maintain 5 different types of clones on 1 mother plant with plenty of extras incase