Need some honest advice

...and although a picture or streaming live webcam is worth a thousand words, you could up your game on your story descriptions (a la Penthouse style); here, I'll help you with an example:

"She moved back on top of smokermore, spooning him. She rested her meat rocket in the crack of smokermore's stink eye and began to move her hips back and forth between the cheeks of his chocolate starfish. She adjusted herself just a little each time, so the head of her boom stick would press smokermore's puckered Lincoln Log maker, every time she moved over it. The lube allowed her skin flute to glide over his harlem exit, his body relaxing more into it. Slowly, she began to thrust a little more until finally smokermore's body just accepted her and her trouser snake slipped deep inside him for the first time. "Oh bliss, bliss and heaven"

Ever so slowly she eased herself inside smokermore, the lube doing its work, until her balls touched his poop chute. He was so tight around her Mr. Happy. It felt so nice. He breathed out a sigh as he felt her meat popsicle move inside him. Fully inside his quivering wrinkled penny, she stopped, allowing him to adjust to her penetrating foot long intrusion. She felt his demon tunnel clenching around her. It was such heaven for her, having been on the receiving side for so long. She kissed the back of his neck.

"You feel so good, baby," she whispered in smokermore's ear.

It had hurt a little when her tonsil tickler had first pushed inside his chili ring, but now his body had adjusted to her. It felt so good being filled with her yogurt slinger, her naked body pressed against his back, their bodies joined together so fully."

{surreptitiously adjusts self} See what I mean? Good Luck!!
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After-action report??

So.... Y'all are going to be very disappointed.
In a nutshell, we didn't even do anything. We basically smoked a lot of weed, had a few drinks, and played Mario cart and a couple other games on her ps4 she brought . I also was desperate to make a new batch of Bho. So I paid her 50$ and a quarter of weed to help just hold the tube while I'm holding the butane and tube, only took about 10 minutes.. On both our occasions, she has never asked any questions about what I do, which I like, but I'm sure now she has a pretty good idea. She also wanted to keep the blasted trim, I think it was about six or 7 ounces worth. I warned her about it not being healthy and what not. Well, she seems to know dam near everything about everything. And basically explained how it's really not that bad for you...
So I'm convinced with out a doubt she tells the truth about her background and what not. Super smart.. She bragged a lot about the piano again, and explaining how many other musical instruments work..
Somewhere in the night , she casually mentioned again how her and her roommate got ripped off in the process of renting a house… but I'm not fully convinced, I'm pretty sure she's still a prostitute, and just trying to hide it because we seem to be hitting it off..
Anyway, before I knew it, it was 6am.. And it seems like shortly after that I started feeling really really sleepy and fried.
So that's when things kinda started to feel a bit awkward. She was clearly more awake than me, and just kept playing video games.. I can barely keep my eyes open. Finally at about noon I said I just have to go to sleep. She obviously didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to pass out for fear of falling into a deep sleep, giving her opportunity to snoop around, and then impulsively stealing all my shit. So I awkwardly said I really need to take u back because I need sleep and then I have to meet up with a few people later on, tried to make it sound business related. It was kinda sad, she was kinda packing slow and looking kinda bummed.
So I finally take her back to The motel. And I get back home at about 1 PM today. Went to my bedroom and immediately tried to go to sleep. Got about an hour of sleep. Been up since yesterday morning. Phone kept buzzing, just so happens that today everyone wants to talk or meet up... Wasn't planning on going back to town today, but my main dude kept calling while I was shorty asleep. He was tapped out and had a nice little bit of cash for me, so I had to go.. Just got back home a couple hours ago. Now I'm about to take a tasty rosin dab and try to pass out.
I'm also planning on buying a nice keyboard. she said she would be stoked and would love to play for me anytime. So I'm kind of looking forward to that.
So no pics, didn't even ask about the webcam, but figured since everything went well, there will definitely be another opportunity soon. I've also figured sex is the first thing we should be doing while we are still freshly clean and bathed. After a night of smoking and drinking and competitive video games, the nuts start stinking again, and that thought was kinda making me nauseous. So I'm glad we didn't end up kind of forcefully doing sloppy stinky BJ's.
So that's pretty much it. I'm sure we'll hook up again soon. I just can't stand being awake so long.. So I'll keep it going and update whenever I hear something again.
I think she's working you hard like a rented mule and it sounds like with a little encouragement, you'lll let her move in with you. HOWEVER, I see an opportunity for you. She needs some management and guidance with a strong hand, a stable master, (so to speak), so.....

smokermore pimp daddy.jpg

you could expand your business model and be a "one stop shop" for all customers.
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