Need some help


Active Member
Well me and a friend are thinking about starting to grow outside but we cant find a really good tutorial to read and help us so i was wondering if anyone can help me out and give me a good growing outdoor tutorial like one with pics if thats possible thanks in advance


Active Member
well i live in a small city with 43000 and theres not really any helicopters and live close 2 a bunch of woods and stuff so i was thinkin about trying to grow in there cuz no1 ever goes in the woods so i thought that would be a pretty str8 spot


Active Member
yea this shit where i wanna plant is pretty str8 cuz its like where no1 would go cuz theres only lil kids around here and they never go this far in the woods so its all good but yea can anyone get me some good ass tutorials for growing outside plz cuz ive been lookin and the tutorials are so hard 2 follow