Need some help!


Hey guys still having a little issue with the Room/res temps(pretty sure this is causing root rot ) , here is what I'm running atm, temps inside my 4x4 tent are running 75-85 and my res temps are 67( lights off ) - 85 ( right before the lights turn off )

What i was thinking with my room temps is that i may buy a cheap window ac also when i go to flowering ill be running lights off from 10am-10pm instead of my 12-6 atm so I'm hoping that alone will fix that problem but I'm not sure how the res temp will go from there I really want to get the res temp under 70?

A few possible idea's i was thinking
Go to a 600w light( this is last change i want to make I'm moving soon and plan on going bigger when i do so i would rather not go down )
Add reflective materiel around my 5g buckets ( anyone know if this would help keep the the temps down? )

Any other ideas?

Well yes, an ac unit would easily do the trick, but let's start with the existing heat sources that are in your grow's environment. First I would remove the ballast from the area (if it's not already) or isolate it from your plants if possible. Then check your airflow through the light fixture, and if all is sealed up good and tight, maybe go ahead and step up the amount of air being pulled off of your light with a more powerful "in-line" duct fan.
The temp of what your plant's roots are sitting in is vital to her health. try adding some more air bubbles to the medium, or a fine bubble stone. It's a cheap way to increase the oxygen levels of the roots' environment.
This is one reason why I have always pushed to grow the medicine in's a lot more forgiving than hydro. If you don't have pretty much every aspect right, you can easily lose a nice crop with's faster, but not always better. I also would venture to say that my organic compost has a few micro and macro elements that the synthetic hydroponic nutrients can't quit match up with. Nothin beats mother nature......not even science! lol, good luck with the grow.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
2 things I do (not necessarily both at the same time) to fend off root slime/rot, ice in the water to keep the temps down and a treatment like HydroSpearkle or Pond-Zyme.

Imo, worth the effort and cost.

Good luck


Thanks for the help guys last couple things i was wondering this slime has been there for i want to say about a week now, it doesnt seem to get any worse but at the same time its not getting any better ( however I'm testing the ice over the next week )

My questions are

How long can the slime stay like this? Is it going to hurt the plant in the long run if I don't fix this fast? or am I over worrying about this?

2nd whats the lowest i would want to get me res temps down to? i was trying the really small water bottles and it only took the temps down by 2 - 5 degrees, but on the other hand i just put a 2 liter to test that and its already got my res temp down to 60

And last should I wait to flower until all this slime is gone? or due to it staying about the same is it safe to start flowering?


New Member
I've had some high res temps and severe root rot on my first ( 6 years ago) grow. So much rot that everything died. My oxygen demand at the root zone was extremely high because I was growing mega monsters. I solved my oxygen crisis with .71 cfm 8" round aluminum oxide air stones and a Pondmaster AP-100 (6.53cfm) pump. Did not have the need for any additives whatsoever. Although the damage is already done and I would suggest you make some microbe tea a la Heisenberg.

You may not be able to fit the 8" round air stone in a 5 gallon bucket so just get the next size down if that's the case. I suggest the round air stone because it sits flat on the bottom and evenly "super-agitates" the air/water interface. I will never look back again and I never even think twice to have root zone problems because of the constant sentinel of my air stone / air pump combo. Your yields will also drastically improve.

P.S. Try to keep the air pump in another room with a cooler supply of fresh air.