there is no way to "trick" a plant to be female,but there are methods to speed up the process of determining sex or having the plant show its sex at a sooner point in time.
I've read that lower temps, higher humidity and more blue light as opposed to red make more fems. A lot of people dogged on me haha but I just turned out with one of 3 fems showing signs at 5 weeks and there's no reason the other two won't it's up to you I got a humidifier for lights off they adore it and I try and bring in as much fresh co2 as possible...
google marijuana femal preflowering it's as I like to call it pusay hair haha and mine did 5 weeks in my book said 6 so around there but it can be up to 8. Also they won't show until the 5th node when there a new spurt at the base
Thanks again....When should the seedlings pop through the soil once started on 24/0
I watered yesterday when I put them in soil and prob going to either wait till tomorrow or thursday to water again (the top of the soil is just now starting to look dry)
well i just had a horrible situation....I was dropping my lights lower and a wire came loose so I was dicking with that and knocked a cup over...The seed was still in the cup thpugh but exposed. I washed my hands good and grabbed it gently and put it back in its spot but it has about a 1/2 3/4in root sprout. but the soil was just moist. I will be waiting a few days till I water for sure... I'm going to order some nutes next week (as long as the va don't dick me). And another thing, when I transplant can I go ahead and put it in better soil? Thinking about switching to FF but am kinda against spending the money on some bag seed.
From what i understand. Once you pick the solid to put the seed in, thats the same soil you need to use through the entire grow. You may not HAVE too. But i think its recommended.
For nutes i went with Alaska Fish Fert. I found it forgiving and my plants loved it. They grew up nice and green and i never encountered an issue. Just a personal experience of course
You can probably get it at any department store that sells fertilizer, plant food, soil so on and so forth. It seems to be readily available. I went with The Alaska Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1 started my plants off at 1 tbs per gallon water.
You can google it with the subject being Marijuana and you will find tons of useful info regarding this specific fert. I wanted to go more of an organic route and found that this stuff worked great.