need some help.


Active Member
:leaf:im pretty sure its a female . i have it on the 12/12 sumtimes i leave it on a extra hour with the lamps. i give it 1 ouce of water with 8 drops of miracle gro a week and i spray the leafs when i water . the plant is 45 inches tall and its in a 11 in wide bucket . if im doing something wrong please correct me
its my first grow thats made it this far . im trying to get a lot of bud and potent as well so by any means help me out. :leaf:




Active Member
congrats its a female...You should have that plant in a closet or something where the light can get in it needs a 12hr dark period for flowering. good luck

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
A plant that size will need ALOT more light, i would say more than double the amount that you have at the moment.
you wont get much bud without extra light.

What wattage bulbs do you have atm?

Is it bagseed sativa?


Active Member
i was thinking of putting it in my shower since its small would that do? ill add a pic jus wait a minute


Active Member
im using cfls i dont kno how many watts because its erased since it got so hot but since im going to have to get more bulbs how many watts should they be?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
She looks like a sativa to me, get some more bulbs, 25w one's will work good with reflectors
you going to want about 150-200w on her and they take ages to flower, like 10-12 weeks.

Photoperiod, that the 12hours on and 12hours off, it must be kept the same always. if it comes on a 5pm and off at 5am then that must never change!

Do you not have a closet that she can go in?
Also, fill the rest of the pot up with soil, that will add more nutes to the roots.

If you have cash, get a HID lighting setup, you will not regret it!!!
A bit Of LST would of been great on her, you could of kept her half the size,
