Need some help

I never grew before and thought i'd give it a shot. I have 4 plants started in miracle gro top soil it says not 4 containers but i dont think that matters. so their about 4 inches so far. im using an undercabinet fluorescent light i read somewhere us should keep it on 24-7 then switch to 12-12 when it get to the height you want. i plan to plant them outside in 5 gallon buckets im gonna mix the mg soil with lume and perlite and was wondering if that would be good also i was wondering what kind of plant food should i get fo them thanks.


Well-Known Member
I never grew before and thought i'd give it a shot. I have 4 plants started in miracle gro top soil it says not 4 containers but i dont think that matters. so their about 4 inches so far. im using an undercabinet fluorescent light i read somewhere us should keep it on 24-7 then switch to 12-12 when it get to the height you want. i plan to plant them outside in 5 gallon buckets im gonna mix the mg soil with lume and perlite and was wondering if that would be good also i was wondering what kind of plant food should i get fo them thanks.
fox farm and general hydroponics are pretty good nutes and they're pretty easy to use. you can also go to lowes, home depot, or a nursery and pick up any fert they got just follow the directions on the label and start off with a half strength concentration.


Well-Known Member
Ok.....youre on the site, have you done any other research? There are a bunch of tutorials that can help you. I know you have good intentions, and want positive answers. For starters, you need better light. Start there.
Invest in some cheap CFL's, they will do SOOOOO much better than the Cabinet flouro's....I remember using one of those and thought I had the shit! (laughs at self) ..... MG soil is good to start off with, and the perlite helps too! You are on the right track. MG is a little "Hot" for cannabis. The numbers look good, but I only use that stuff cause it's cheap, and I only keep my seedlings in there for a few weeks. Then I go advanced and into a DWC set up....for you, get a little more soil in there, mixed w your perlite. And as docd187 said, go half strength on the nutes at first....and dont even think about putting nutes in untill those little "Round" leaves.... you know, the first ones that you saw sprout...???.... dont feed any nutes untill those lill round ones fade, or fall off! Those leaves have enough juice in them to fert for a while...they are "embryonic" leaves....


Active Member
I never grew before and thought i'd give it a shot. I have 4 plants started in miracle gro top soil it says not 4 containers but i dont think that matters. so their about 4 inches so far. im using an undercabinet fluorescent light i read somewhere us should keep it on 24-7 then switch to 12-12 when it get to the height you want. i plan to plant them outside in 5 gallon buckets im gonna mix the mg soil with lume and perlite and was wondering if that would be good also i was wondering what kind of plant food should i get fo them thanks.
Most likely you will not want to grow in 24/7 light, this is not realistic... There is light and dark cycles on Earth. What I suggest you do is to buy some 5-7 Gallon pots, plant them outside buy some plant food and just let them be.
i was checking on my plants and one fell over the tallest one about 5 inches is it dead. i never grew before so i dont know when they start to get girth cause they all look like thier about to do the same