Need some help with roots.


Well-Known Member
How do I know if I need to use hygrozyme? My roots looks really white, and apear healthy. But there might be a very minimal amount of snot on them (or it could be that the roots are clumbed together)... How do i know if i need to take action... or even if i got this disease?


Well-Known Member
using hygrozyme per water change will ensure your roots stay healthy, using it will also help nutrient uptake..i would also suggest using benefitial bacteria and fungus to help as well


Well-Known Member
I use 35% grade, 5ml per gallon with a spray bottle.

the 50% grade can be found in restauraunt supply stores, if you have a need for more value

Hyrgo does nothing to prevent or destroy Pyth. It clears away the damage that is all.

Get control of your temps

treat water before introducing to system

dose tank every 4 days to keep pathogens in check

I forgot to mention, I use 5 gallon buckets as an aid station for my girls at times.
To quarentine them, as you prob. have noticed your girls have different degrees of runny noses.

As we have read in the article, o2 is very important.
Only a mook wouldn't want more oxygen :)


Well-Known Member
Im using an 18 gallon RUBBERMAID tub... and there is probably 15 gallons worth of water in there... i just bought some pH +/- and a meter... but i couldnt find a aquarium chiller device that cools water....

My water seems to be around 60º-70º F

There might be some very light slime on my roots... and i seen some very minimal signs of a brown dot in a few places....

What would you do?

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Well-Known Member
i think 12-14.. the other tub is fairly larger and no problems... Although i have had good grows before in this res. So res size might not be all that important.

So there seems to be mixed reviews here about h202. I think im just going to do everything, cant hurt. Going to add h202


Well-Known Member
the scoop on H2O2 is , it will help with that slime issue, you need atleast 35% @1-2ML/Gal, i hear its an effective germ and pathogen killer, to fix any of this you should use the hygrozyme, the issue some people will have with the h2o2 is that it will adversley effect organic nutes, and if using with hygrozyme or any of the other enzyme products out there, you must be careful cus it will kill all the benefitial stuff too


Well-Known Member
i wish people would get off h202, hygrozyume works jsut fine, just the fact that your plants look good shows you that it is working, the roots are feeding from that slime stuff you see on it, it will seem to get worse before it looks better, the bigger root mass you have the quicker your plants will eat the byproduct of the enzymes eating away at the pith....

trust me, jsut stick to the hygrozyme, and add 10ml/gal more every four days until its gone

you don't have to worry about ppm because hygrozyme is like 5-10 ppm, seriously, i just changed my water on sat, i have 14 gallons, i used 200ml hygro, and just this morning i added another bobby
I totally agree, but you can use H2O2 in conjunction with HygroZyme just at a greatly reduced rate. I did at 1st just to kill off the pythium as it was outta control. However as I stated before I now have no need for H2O2. HygroZyme rules!!!


Well-Known Member
i think 12-14.. the other tub is fairly larger and no problems... Although i have had good grows before in this res. So res size might not be all that important.

So there seems to be mixed reviews here about h202. I think im just going to do everything, cant hurt. Going to add h202
I would take it as an oppurtunity to test side by side myself.

I mentioned rez size for the reason that 14 gallons heats up a lot faster than 25-30 gal.

I am switching to coolers after this run, igloo makes a real nice one.

Great growing and let us know how this works out.

There is light leaks when using clay balls, I have covered mine with foil to stop it.


just some guy
i wish people would get off h202, hygrozyume works jsut fine, just the fact that your plants look good shows you that it is working, the roots are feeding from that slime stuff you see on it, it will seem to get worse before it looks better, the bigger root mass you have the quicker your plants will eat the byproduct of the enzymes eating away at the pith....

trust me, jsut stick to the hygrozyme, and add 10ml/gal more every four days until its gone

you don't have to worry about ppm because hygrozyme is like 5-10 ppm, seriously, i just changed my water on sat, i have 14 gallons, i used 200ml hygro, and just this morning i added another bobby
H2O2 is way cheaper than hygrozyme. I bought a bottle of 40 dollar hygrozyme once to fight a bout with pythium and lost. I'm not saying it's not a great product, but the thought of paying that much for the shit and using it on every water change makes me cringe. I went away from organic nutes and use H2O2 in small doses and my wallet thanks me.

I also ditched DWC and went with flood and drain (ebb & flow) and now I dont have to worry about water temps anymore. Thank god.

good luck with the pythium battle 420beer, I hope you fair better than I did, I recall (not so fondly) washing slime off of roots.. :spew:.. sucks.


Well-Known Member
Held off on the H202. Roots are darker brown, still VERY slimy. however, there is ALREADY new root growth. White as white can be with no slime on it. About 2-4 new roots per cup. So it looks like 5 days later i already have new, non-infected root growth! Im wondering if i should just rip off the slimy roots and do a res change again (adding hygrozyme nutes etc..).

Also, in regards to the res. Im moving up to a 35 gallon res. Im out of these little grow boxes and stepping it up. Already have 2x 1K HPS's and ballasts in my possession (i know 3x600wtts wouldve been better, but i got a deal i could not pass up on these) . Plus the 400wtt HPS and 400wtt MH.. Im done with these grow boxes, they are too small, produce way too much heat, and basically are just annoying me at this point. Also, im doing my own twist on a method. I dont have tons of room to work with so im still going to work with my 35 gallon res. Im going to have 2 aeroponitcs jets inside. Im also going to have a pump that will suck water and push it through hose and out a drip nossel for each plant. i will also keep air pumps under the roots. So rather than have a ft deep of water, i will only have 4 inches. But will have 2 misting jets inside, along with a drip system setup for each plant (that will drip from base of trunk down roots etc.) This should allow atleast 200% more o2 to get to the roots. Much bigger and better pics to come in the next month or so....

Once again, thanks all for your help. And if i could find the damn +rep button ide leave good rep


Well-Known Member
hell yeah! look like some walrus teeth.

Good idea getting bigger tub Beer, check out some of Earl dwc contraptions. he is the a guru of dwc.


Well-Known Member
hygrozyme eats away at dead roots, so that root loss is due to the roots falling off after hygrozyme did its thing...don't worry thats a good thing

Dude, just trust me and buy some rhizotonic, i know it is epensive, but you will not be dissapointed at all, and the results come much faster that hygrozyme, please, for me beer, i want to see your roots thrive, i would show you my root mass but i have my plant all tied down and can't lift the net pots, ill try to take some when i change the water if i can get my camera to work it out


Well-Known Member
HYGROZYME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! saved my clones and encouraged me to forge ahead, and store my bag of dirt! i am flat broke and still went out and grabbed another 2 bottles, THATS HOW CRITICAL this stuff is


Well-Known Member
slab: no shit... lol. If you read all most post i already ruled out most known causes. Otherwise i wouldnt have made this post. Once again, im not a noob. And when push came to shove i needed chemicals to fix my problem and nothing else. seems to be the nature of the beast (DWC) if you dont have a chiller, that hygrozyme is almost a must.

bobby: Going to go to the hydro store and check out this rhizotonic. I'll prob pick some up.

Everything looked great this morning. Some of the plythium infected roots are still there, but withering away. Meanwile lots of fresh, thick, white, normal looking roots are pushing through the cups. sweet!! Also, the plants look great. Leafs are standing straight out, almost up and have a very healthy dark green color to them. Also, the res and roots smell like fresh plants(well the plythium infected roots never got a bad smell to them , they just smelt like water). back to normal again, finally... a long 10 days...

Although the war isn't over, it's coming to an end. Just wanted to thank those that helped. (wheres the damn rep button??)


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you got a hold on it. DWC has a trade off, fastest growth and within that fast problems. nature of the beast, well said.

Rep button is the plus symbol upper right hand of the members post.