Need some Help with hydroponics

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New Member
If I ever have enough trim at one time I'd love to make a cake.

I have a great recipe for a chocolate sheet cake with icing that is like fudge. The cake takes butter and oil both and the icing takes butter too. :weed:

I know someone who I could get to sell it for like $5.00 per piece up in college town. That's some good money for 30 minutes of baking cake.


New Member
You are giving me great ideas. I am gonna have a whole lot of trim out of this grow. HMMMMMMM.... Is this a secret recipe? Orrrrrrrr....


New Member
The plant is swelling and the bud sites are more noticeable. What is everyones best guess on the time of harvest?

Please excuse my pics, the camera was low on battery life when taking them and died after the 3rd pic. I know they are out of focus. I need batteries!!!!


Well-Known Member
no they are looking good...around week 4 or so you should see an explosion in bud growth..then around week 8 or so another as you close in on harvesting..atleast that's what i've seen...either way you will have some good smoke!


New Member
I can't give my family recipe out, but I found ones that are very similar. It's a great cake, I've not ever made it with weed butter though.

Use this one only I don't know what the hell that thing with the cinnamon is, leave that out of it.,166,155164-244196,00.html

start icing 5 minutes before cake is done.

1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup cocoa
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk
1 box (1 pound) confectioners' sugar, sifted (4 1/4 cups sifted)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

For frosting, combine butter, cocoa, and milk in a saucepan; bring to a boil. Add remaining ingredients and mix well with electric mixer.

Pour hot icing over hot cake. Let cool completely before cutting.


Well-Known Member
hello net pirate i have a question.... some people have told me once i start flowering to keep the veg nutes in for at least a week then switch to bloom nutes..... do you think i should do that or whats your opinion. ive heard that the plant still needs the veg nutes for a few days i dunno help:)


Well-Known Member
Bro Ive found that swithcing my nutes to flower directly upon placement into 12/12 is the best way to go. I think the nutes high in p and k promote plant maturation. I think this is there actual intention. And strictly flower nutes helps with kepping plants in control during the first fes weeks and helps with stretching just my 2 cents but im not making it up i dont think...Its what ive seen. People do things differently tho.. If u have the head room and awesome lighting then do as they say.

Hope that helps.


New Member
Hello all! My grow seems to be looking on point. The dying leaves are all toward the bottom and the bud sites seem to be getting bigger and more frosty!!

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
HI bear!!!!!!!!!! Happy to see you grace my thread! How are you!

Im doing great babe.
Glad that my bubba kush clones are finally starting to take off on rooting....Damn things seem to have a mind of their own and a will to match it....

I surely hope that you are happy I stopped by, your one of the 5 people that I come here to check up on, the only person who gets anything other than a lurk and an email later. LOL

I thought that you plants may have a calcium deff because of the leaf curling downwards in that upside down U shape...(frowning to the floor so to say)
Also rust looking spots develop starting from the bottom up and progressively eat the plants largest leaves away....

I dont really know of a home remedy for it myself...Actually Ive not heard of one period. LOL
Best I can suggest is to get a nutrient that is high in calcium that will be soluable for your aero system.
Cal-Mag or Cal-mag plus would be the best options IMO....

and I said that you would really need to worry if you were using coco strictly because coco is so infamous for being calcium/magnesium deficent.
Cal-mag is nearly a must for it unless you have hard water....

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
hey netpirate ive developed rust spots my runt of the family any ideas maybe too many nutes???

sounds like this to me off hand...thats the really only thing ive ever heard described as "rust" spots...
Calcium (Ca)
Calcium plays an important role in maintaining cell integrity and membrane permeability.

Calcium Deficiency:
Young leaves are affected first and become small and distorted or chlorotic with irregular margins, spotting or necrotic areas. Bud development is inhibited, blossom end rot and internal decay may also occur and root may be under developed or die back. Deficiency will cause leaf tip die-back, leaf tip curl and marginal necrosis and chlorosis primarily in younger leaves. Symptoms: young leaves develop chlorosis and distortion such as crinkling, dwarfing, developing a strap-like shape, shoots stop growing and thicken.

Calcium Toxicity:
Difficult to distinguish visually. May precipitate with sulfur in solution and cause clouding or residue in tank. Excess calcium may produce deficiencies in magnesium and potassium.


New Member
Hey bear! I really appreciate you coming by and helping me out, even more so being that I am one of the few! Thank you for that!

Well I changed my res the other night and pushed on the Gh nutes, so we shall see what becomes of that. The bud sites are really taking off! They seem to be getting fatter and more frosty! I have to get some batteries for my camera so pics will come later on. Thanks again for stopping by!

Im doing great babe.
Glad that my bubba kush clones are finally starting to take off on rooting....Damn things seem to have a mind of their own and a will to match it....

I surely hope that you are happy I stopped by, your one of the 5 people that I come here to check up on, the only person who gets anything other than a lurk and an email later. LOL

I thought that you plants may have a calcium deff because of the leaf curling downwards in that upside down U shape...(frowning to the floor so to say)
Also rust looking spots develop starting from the bottom up and progressively eat the plants largest leaves away....

I dont really know of a home remedy for it myself...Actually Ive not heard of one period. LOL
Best I can suggest is to get a nutrient that is high in calcium that will be soluable for your aero system.
Cal-Mag or Cal-mag plus would be the best options IMO....

and I said that you would really need to worry if you were using coco strictly because coco is so infamous for being calcium/magnesium deficent.
Cal-mag is nearly a must for it unless you have hard water....
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