Need some help on a portable VAPE


Well-Known Member
I have had an Iolite for a few years which kinda crapped out on me. Now I have a Da Buddha. Love it and it stays on 24/7, but I have a need for a portable vaporizer.

There are so many these days. Arizer solo, Magic Flight, and so on.........Something I can take boating, camping, at home........

Need some help. This will be used only for bud.

I'm ready to order something like now.

Current shopping cart includes 10# of Jacks Classic 20-20-20, Tiresias mist, and ........I need to add a vape.

I'd like to keep it under $100.

I say spend the extra $40 and order the solo...One of the best investments I've made...and I have the newer version that you can use while charging...totally biased opinion but there you go
I heard about that new version. I like that. Thanks for your input Roach.

Kids get home in 2 hours. I need to finish this order by that time.

Anyone else?
Np I thought I had the sellers name but can't find it. .. Good luck update us with what you pick. ..oh and how well that mist works
Pax ploom. investment worth the cost. how much are you paying for the flower that your putting into your vapes... If you invest in something that is quality built, functions extremely well and is enjoyable to use you will never regret it. Not many vapes hold up. I wouldn't be without my volcano thats for damn sure. The high surpasses most other forms of inhalation and will help preserve your lungs over the long run. That is a piece of mind that is priceless. Got my digital off craigslist for $350!
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Pax ploom. investment worth the cost. how much are you paying for the flower that your putting into your vapes... If you invest in something that is quality built, functions extremely well and is enjoyable to use you will never regret it. Not many vapes hold up. I wouldn't be without my volcano thats for damn sure. The high surpasses most other forms of inhalation and will help preserve your lungs over the long run. That is a piece of mind that is priceless. Got my digital off craigslist for $350!

I grow my own so I would estimate about $12 an oz at the most. I did watch a youtube vid on it just now. Thing looks badass. Heard something about a 10 year warranty. I just couldn't pay that much for a portable.

I just personally prefer to pay a little more if I know it will last and operate well into the future. I've bought cheaper stuff, regretted it and end up paying more down the road to buy the better of the two options
I hear you there. I can't make a fu**in decision. I added the solo to the cart so far. Not checked out yet though.

Anyone anyone????
Sometimes you just have to make an executive decision. So I got the Solo, some Jacks, and Tiresias Mist. I'm ok with the decision.
I own the Davinci Ascent and really like it a lot. I know some people have had issues with them, mainly the first models, but they have a good warranty and have been real good about replacing faulty units. I don't use it exclusively, can't seem to stop smoking my beloved joints.
Can someone tell me if the above thumbnails actually get larger when you click on them. They don't do anything for me. Thanks
Can someone tell me if the above thumbnails actually get larger when you click on them. They don't do anything for me. Thanks
Either this site is screwed up, my new laptop is jacked up, I'm too medicated, or my internet is slow. I can't even delete the duplicate post.

Well, I work from home and the kids are out of school. They just need to go to SOMEONE ELSES house for once instead of everyone coming here. It's all charged up and ready to go. I'll fire it up tonight and let you know.
Can someone tell me if the above thumbnails actually get larger when you click on them. They don't do anything for me. Thanks

They open up in a new page for me. Does your browser prevent new pages from popping up? Try right clicking and opening in a new page also.

Only suggestions if you really want to see them, but they work.
Right clicking and open in new page works. It just wasn't like before. I did change over too Mozilla as my browser. Maybe that's the problem. Oh well.