need some help ..... LOTS OF PICS


Active Member
Aloha my brothers and sisters! i have a problem with my new seedlings and need some advice. ive never grown from seed before, only from clone. i just transplanted my peat pellets into roots organic soil, and fertilized with 5ml of liquid karma from botanicare. i noticed today that one of my seedlings leaves have drooped a bit and look much less healthy than a day ago. i also transplanted another seedling and it appears to have some crinkled leaves today. the third and largest of my seedlings is looking strong, but a couple of the newer leaves popping out look wrinkled. maybe heat stress?? ...... anyways, the big question is when should you start feeding your seedlings? i am using the entire line of botanicare nutrients right now. which of the ferts should i use and what kind of dosage? i attached pictures of the seedlings and threw in a couple pics of my flowering plants just for kicks. mahalo for any feedback. aloha! :joint:



Well-Known Member
They look healthy to me. Don't do anything drastic yet. could just be transplant stress. After 14 days of age, I start feeding my seedlings. They'll generall tell you. The first true leaves will start to yellow.


By the looks of the phots, I can't really see any problem... They look real healthy. I let my plants get to be 4 to 6 inches before I start giving them nutes. I do foliar feed with superthrive.


Well-Known Member
most people dont give their plants nutes till its a month old and has some growth and good root development and its stable. then usually 1/4 dose the first time then 1/2 dose from there on out


Active Member
can the nutes already in the soil can burn the seedlings that are in peat pellets? from my understanding peat pellets have no nutrients, so if i transplant into a nutrient rich potting soil is it possible to burn the plants. im using roots organic with no additional additives. i read that using a vitamin b1 product like superthrive or thrive alive is good to stimulate healthy root growth. are these products recommended to use as a normal feeding routine? if so, how much per gallon for the seedling stage? mahalo for everyones help!


Active Member
i shouldve took before pics of the first plant. the leaves were broad and strong the day before the transplant. it looks less healthy today for sure. transplant shock or the very light feeding? maybe just overly paranoid??


Plants look good to me. it was prbably too soon with the ferts, I wait to use liquid karma untill after i flip to 12/12 to save on cost but u can use it thru veg as well