Need some help here plz......... Final days of flower

HI.... first time on this site still trying to figure it out. here are the photo's[/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH]

is it leaf mold??? why are all my leafs dying... there is spots too.... and my plants are 3 weeks past their finsh date according to the seed co. ams...... they are just now starting to amber

please comment or critique anything you notice (if you know wtf your saying)

first INDOOR grow



Well-Known Member
Pic #6 does look like some kind of mold, but not sure what type. I'd cut them off and get rid of 'em, asap, so that it doesn't spread. Have you misted them with water or anything, lately? Moisture sitting on the leaves, or high humidity, is normally the cause of mold/fungus, along with lack of ventilation.

Keep the air flowing, the humidity down, get rid of the bad leaves before they spread, and you should be fine. If you think bud mold is a risk, you might want to chop now, rather than lose a bunch of smoke. As long as it hasn't happened already, you're humidity is below 50%, and there's plenty of ventilation, there isn't much risk.


Active Member
As for the buds, the smaller leafs (waterleafs) within the buds are burning as part of the cycle. Happens to my current blueberry strain and occurs every time towards the end. On other strains or variations w/ different nutes sometimes you can keep the entire thing completely green all the way through...buds will be nice after a proper dry, trim and cure process.
thanks for the replies... lots of ventilation... r/h 39% an hour after messy watering/flush.... definitely the white spots im thinking is mold, you can see in one of the pics it starting from tips and going inward.... it only affects the fan leafs.... i wrote alot more but it got deleted, this site keeps saying im not logged in when i try to post... still looking for more feedback, thanks for the help guys