need some fucking help, first grow


Active Member
i just planted my germinated seed in a small cup 3 days ago? I am in a pretty small space and am using a 21-7-14 soil. I have a 75 watt flourescent light, like a regular lamp light. I was wondering if this is enough wattige to grow at a steady good pace. I just cant spend top dollar for real good light and equipment. Cheack out my pics and please give me some suggestions on lights ,growing methods, soil, anything.



Well-Known Member
Seems like it's doing fine if it's on it's 3rd day.

Perhaps lower the light a bit. How hot is it? Shouldn't be hot at all.


Well-Known Member
Well first your seedling looks a bit stretched, Due to your light not being low enough...

And You defiantly will need more light,

Since your on a budget I suggest you go and Buy some CFL's (Compact Flours) at wal-mart

Also since it's stretched you might want to add soil up to it's first set of leaves.... (To strengthen the main stem)



Well-Known Member
The light will really not put off the spectrum that you need. Bare minimum would be to go get some cfl's with a 6000k spectrum "or as close as you can get".


Active Member
okay start concidering a hps light asap for one plant your lokking at 150 watts wont be to bad you wont spend more than $100 i promise and id suggest 2.5 gallon pot when you transplant ...lower the lights to


Well-Known Member
You need the light to at LEAST be 1 inch from your plants or your really just wasting lumens...

I have 6 26watt 6500k daylight cfls that i got from walmart cheap. Thats150 watts..slap that on 2/3 plants and viola :mrgreen:


Active Member
thank you all i will def. transport it to a slightly bigger pot and fill up to the first leaves wit soil, but if i move the bulb just an inch away from the plant will the leaves start to burn or no?