need some feedback please

Positive or negative feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Please be honest and helpful.

I'm new to the forums and growing in general and had some concerns and questions.IMG_20150507_161643.jpgis these wrinkles anything to worry about?IMG_20150507_161620.jpg these yellow dots are see threw in a way. Could this be burn by mist of water in the sun?

2.5-3.5 gal bucket. Plants getting watered 1day a week as well as time released or slow release 10-10-10 with 7micro nutes. Plant is 1month old. Receives 12/12. Its an unknown but smells pretty dank.

Also I have a fish tank with an Oscar and pleco in. Can I use the fish tank waste water as a substitute for food?

Any tips and helpful info that I may need to know?



Well-Known Member
Fish tank water makes great nutrients. I probably wouldn't use it towards the end of flowering but most of the grow it should be fine.

The little spots look like your plants got nibbled on my some sort of bugs. Get some spinosad or neem
oil and spray a few times every other day to take care of that. They look pretty healthy.

Also I'd ditch the slow
release ferts and get some kelp meal and worm castings instead. Maybe some alfalfa and guano too
if you have the cash, but kelp and castings are among the most important things in my grow.
Thank you for the feedback mama! When you say neem oil...are there certain brands that work better then others for example neem oil from Walmart? Also will neem oil cure or rid of this worms that squiggle their way around my leaves making those s marks all over?