need some clone help.please


Well-Known Member
i just went to move this train wreak to the budding room and i grabbed 3 clones from the bottom because they where so close to the cloning gel is not here yet so i just stuck them in the rookwool and hope they make it. i put them in the corner of my veg room so its about 6ft from my 400w mh but the light is only on for 18 hours do they need 24 hour light? this is my first attemp to clone so i'd like some advice.



Well-Known Member
18 hours will work fine no worries,u could move them a bit closer if u want 3 feet should be fine 4 feet if ur worried

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah u should be just fine with water my chocolopes r almost imposable not to clone. i use a tote about 6 inches high 12 x24 wide and long witha heat mat under it its clear but the condensation seems to be enough of a buffer that i can keep in the same room with my 400mh and 400hps and open tote twice a day and mist its simple and cheap and i get about 98 to 100% rate from mine. i would highly recomend a heat mat tho even u get 1 out of the lizard section from a pet store


Active Member
plz let me know how this turns out i tried cloning in rockwool twice with gel and couldnt get one to root :(
hi the rockwool works fine wot i do is tack the cutings and leve then on the window sill and after 2 to 3 weeks i can see the roots cuming oot the bottom and thats wen i put them under the big light