Need some advise for Northern light auto from royal queen seeds

I have started some auto northern lights and im having some problems with feed dosage.
I have been told that you can not feed auto flowers the same as fems? is this true?
I am using greenhouse seeds powder feed, i have the veg/mother plant feed and also the short flower feed for when they do start to flower, plus i have calcium as using ro water.
My problem is that i started the seeds off which i got a tap root in less than 48hrs:fire: which aint the problem obviously, but when i transplanted them straight into 26l buckets (rdwc) which i filled with ro water and put in the feed recommended on the packet for seedling/veg, but then they stopped growing, still looked healthy, nice and green, not drooping but just was not doing anything, then it hit me after 3 days:wall:, my bro said that you cant feed autos full strength feed, so i drained out 2/3 of the water and refilled with just ro water with no extra nuits. Since i done this they have doubled in size in 1 day and seem to be growing nicely.
My question is what feed ratio do you think i should be using, for veg and flower cus obviously i want the best stuff i can do and feed em as much as possible.
I have some pics, 1st 4 are what they were like for 3 days, next 4 are 1 day after changing water with just a third of the feed.
IMAG1235.jpg IMAG1236.jpg IMAG1237.jpg IMAG1238.jpg IMAG1241.jpg IMAG1242.jpg IMAG1243.jpg IMAG1244.jpg


Well-Known Member
I do organic and soil. And have had my fair share of burns as well. Idv kept it just lower than 1/2 strength. When it gets older this variety seems to be able to handle almost normal amount of feed. It also has very thin leaves naturally, like sativa looking. Keep it low for a month and graduate it into more.... obviously. Ha. I didn't burn this variety of I recall and I even poured an entire half gallon of potassium extract on it. (I didn't label my bottles, homemade ferts)
Sweet, i did read they seem to be quite a forgiving plant, reason why i choose it for first grow.
I have deffo learnt alot in the last week even though i done alot of research and have known quite a few people who have done it before so picked up bits from them. Im so glad i done an auto though, but next time i will be just doing fems, so i can play a bit more :)
I think i done everything a bit quick, should of waited for roots to establish a bit more, drained my buckets today cus plat seems to be growing but not the roots too much, so want to dry it out a bit and top feed for a few days to promote faster root growth
well thats the idea anyway hahaha