Need some advice!!!


Well-Known Member
currently im into week 3 of flowering and one of my girls is running out of room height wise. i currently have 7 foot of height but she is about 6'4" already what are some options to take care of this. if there is any


Well-Known Member
Only veg for 5 weeks. its pure sativa. lst i might try i have one extremely lst'd but maybe ill do this one also.


all i would is if the plant is in a plastic pott I would drill a hole at the top and i would tie a string to the top of the plant about 3 inchs down on the stem and then put the string through the hole you drilled in the pott and just pull down a little bit and it will start growing down and every day pull it down a little bit more intel its at the height you want it and every thing will be just fine. I have done it meny times..


Well-Known Member
Super cropping is the way to go! Just take a branch about 10-12 inches down at a node and pinch hard enough to collapse the stem, pinch one side then then the other and bend it over as far as you can without snapping it off. It sounds a lot worse than what it really is but does take a bit of practice. Once you get it down you can actually bend branches all the way over and they will come back up to about a 90 degree angle, which makes the buds on the branches that would normally grow along the stem turn up and grow into sort of little cola.


Well-Known Member
i try and get some pics up soon. i want to thank everyone for there imput, and advice. i do believe i am just gonna do some lst'ing, and call it a day. i figure that will be enough to take care of the situation, cause as of right now if it gets any taller, then it's not gonna be recieveing any light on the top of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just tie some string to the top of your plant (at a good 4"-6" from the top) and use it to "bend" the plant. Bend it little by little and tie the other end on to anything. I use a large bolt & nut and tie the ent on it. you can actually get them to bend 90 deg & more w some time & trainging.


Well-Known Member
Ok so yesterday i started some lst on this monster. I tried uploading pics from my phone, but it never works, so i had to get to a pc. so here is a pic of what i have done so far. she is just now starting to turn back up torwards the light. here is a pic. im gonna gradually pull her down so that she doesn't break. let me know what you think. i know i should have started thi earlier but stuff happens.


Well-Known Member
I should have done the lady above like the one in this pic. i am new to the indoor thing so this one was a test lst that turned out pretty good. let me know how it looksCAM00363.jpg