Need some advice


First of all, hello everyone. I've been reading the forums for a while but finally decided to register today. I'm on day 3 or 4 of my grow and one of the sprouts looks great...but the only other that has sprouted looks like shit and has fallen over. Are my lights too far away maybe? I'm using two 75w florescent grow lights right now and watering with ultra pure distilled water.

sludge factory

Active Member
It might be your light.

I use a 400 watt grow light and I keep it usually between 5-7 inches away.

In my opinion, I think you should get a new light.

ebay has cheap ones! :-P


Well-Known Member
Try starting your veg with something like this. Not very intense and gets the job done.
don't bother with that. if you want better veg lights get t5s they work great in veg, but the light you have is fine in veg as long as its the right color temp. you may need to add more later as your plants get bigger.

as for the sprout it could be a few things if you could get a pic up it would help