need some advice


Active Member
How many hours does a marijauna plant need outside? I live in colombia the weather here is tropical but the thing is that where I sprouted them this place only gets like 3 hours of sunlight. For a year now I have been throwing my bannana peels and dog waste and other fruit peelings into one part in my backyard. Well the other day I threw a hundred seeds into this area and 3 days later I come back I have 26 plants that sprouted I put 6 into containers and left the others there, then the 2 days later 10 more sprouted there. This area is very good because it drains the water out very well which is a good thing because here it stays sunny from morning until2 or 3 in the afternoon then it rains usally the the whole night and these plants seem to be doing very good. Should I replant these plants in another part of the yard? By the way this place I planted them can handle about 45 plants


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Never been there. Is the weather similar to Costa Rica? Hey you know why fight nature. Banana peels that haven't been sprayed with insecticide, like we get, are excellent for other plants. Why move them? VV


Active Member
Yeah I guess you can say it's like costa rica. I live in Medellin which is one of the top places for growing it that and cali . I'm not colombian i'm a gringo yeah you should come here dude you can buy 1 pound of marijauna for 20 dollars I'm just growing it because thats to much money. Yeah making your own compost is awesome man you don't need a compost bin you need 60 red earth wooms they make make everything into compost in 4 months this compost I made is better than anything I ever bought


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess you can say it's like costa rica. I live in Medellin which is one of the top places for growing it that and cali . I'm not colombian i'm a gringo yeah you should come here dude you can buy 1 pound of marijauna for 20 dollars I'm just growing it because thats to much money. Yeah making your own compost is awesome man you don't need a compost bin you need 60 red earth wooms they make make everything into compost in 4 months this compost I made is better than anything I ever bought
a pound of weed for 20 dollars is to much? wanna send me like 5 pounds:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
some people dont know they are born lol :D

bummer, if it was me i would put some sprouts in different places. that way if ypou lose some for any reason you will still have some others.
you say it rains a lot, as long as your plants get to dry out there shouldnt be a problem


Well-Known Member
man now i want to get a sack of some Columbian knockout shwag. it always looks crappy but man does it get you stoned.



Active Member
Hell yeah this stuff gets you stoned it looks like dirt weed until you smoke it. The mafia here here has created one awesome strain of dirt weed I get higher on the 20 dollar pound then I did with some of the strainer designs in the u.s.a and 2 months ago I was watching the news here the army found a coca plant three times bigger than the normal size the mafia here is always trying to create super breeds


Active Member
Mafia? Like 'fogetaboudit' mafia?
Is weed legal over in Colombia?

Yes weed is illegal here but the laws here are a joke. You walk on the street here and you can smell weed all over the street and from the bars. They cant hold you more than 30 mins in a police station for marijauna most of the time the police just take it away from you and if they are real pricks when they take it away they light it up infront of you. And here the mafia controls everything but Colombia is improving and thats bad because a pound of marijauna 3 years ago was 15 dollars and since the gov is cracking down that was the first time they had raised the price of marijauna in 30 years