Need some advice yellowing(growing in soil)


going through same thing first time grower. I believe the beginning leaves fall off I would worry about the 5 Leaves ones then you have a problem if there showing stress. My 1 leaves true leaves fell off allready and my 3 leaves are yellowing but all my other leaves look lush and green so Im assuming Im not nute burning it. If your soil then maybe ride it out or transfer to weaker soil. Next water flushh pretty well Idk what else to say maybe someone else here has advice


Well-Known Member
I have some yellowing on the tips of my lower leaves and the baby ones have dropped off.
Age of plant?
What type of soil?
What nutes if any/
Water schedule?
These are all things people need to know if they're going to be able to give you any logical advice at all.
Not trying to be hard or funny, but you can't expect someone to make a reasonable diagnosis without that info.

3 Weeks

Outside During the day, Under 4 T5 CFLS at night.
Organic Potting Mix with some Osmocote slow release ball nutrients mixed in.

Where I live we are almost at our hottest part of the year with long 12 hour days of sun, so my plan is in a few weeks to starting putting it out during the day and then lock it up at night and hopefully force it into flower and just harness the power of the sun.


burns from to much fertilizers looks like it. cut your feedings down a lot. looks like its recovered from the burn as its stop spreading backwards on the leaf. start out using less food for the plant and if you see its needing more then add more. its better to add less and need more than to add to much and burn it up.
burns from to much fertilizers looks like it. cut your feedings down a lot. looks like its recovered from the burn as its stop spreading backwards on the leaf. start out using less food for the plant and if you see its needing more then add more. its better to add less and need more than to add to much and burn it up.
I figured as much I have this crappy slow release stuff and I guess I was a little over zealous. I had before taking the photo removed as much as I could from the surface. I'll keep monitoring it.

barking spiders. Great band btw ;)