Need some advice please help....


Well-Known Member
need some advice been reading on here since the beginning of the year plant has been thru hell termites heat cold leaf eaters sigh now where into flowering stage an need to know what y'all think save or give up there nothing great just best of the best reggie pics aint the best
thats a boy pull it


Well-Known Member
Images of Botrytis blight.. blight on Cannabis&client=tablet-android-sprint-mvno-us&hl=en&source=android-browser-type&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=L47ZU-KnMevMsQTq3YLAAg&ved=0CB8QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=600
I didn't really see a resemblance.

The web on jpg53 may be regular spider webbing as the guy is growing outdoors.
the webs on spider mites are finer and by the time webs are visable the leaves are very badly damaged. Stippling appears all over. Not so on the leaves in OPs pix.

so I disagree with your call.
if they were my plants I could bring them back but I tend not to give up unless I've OD'd on N and claw is everywhere...
However there are way too many male flowers for a salvage operation.
Start from scratch.
It might NOT be BB ,but I really think it is due to the dingy color. You linked me to a BB pics, but none of those pics have new bud BB its all when the buds are more mature. I had a hard time trying to find pics with new bud botrytis . I helped a member cpl weeks ago with this...he had a calyx that had BB on it and spotted it. Its starts on the calyx usually is the 1st sign. I was just trimming that day and when he posted that pic I knew exactly what it was bc I was trimming and saw the same thing on my plants calyx and the plant had botrytis. Me and Botrytis go wayyyyyy back, I can spot it right away with its dingyness. Thanks to RayRay, and me trimming that plant that day put me on high alert bc all the rain we been getting out here in Colorado. I'm waiting for a response back from Rayray to link you to the thread and the simuliar pics he posted (new flowers w/BB). I never experiences BB early in flower only last 2 wks, so I was curious to find out more and exchange any info I had to help the Rayray.
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New Member
Well the male i had found a few weeks ago must have done the dirty because all three plants are males sigh pulled a few mins ago smh beautiful plants but lots of balls but not gonna trash them instead I'll make hash better luck next year