Images of Botrytis blight.. blight on Cannabis&client=tablet-android-sprint-mvno-us&hl=en&source=android-browser-type&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=L47ZU-KnMevMsQTq3YLAAg&ved=0CB8QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=600
I didn't really see a resemblance.
The web on jpg53 may be regular spider webbing as the guy is growing outdoors.
the webs on spider mites are finer and by the time webs are visable the leaves are very badly damaged. Stippling appears all over. Not so on the leaves in OPs pix.
so I disagree with your call.
if they were my plants I could bring them back but I tend not to give up unless I've OD'd on N and claw is everywhere...
However there are way too many male flowers for a salvage operation.
Start from scratch.