Need some advice on storing seeds


Well-Known Member
I just came across some seeds from a stain of weed I thought was long gone. But the guy had them stored in his freezer . Not sure if they will gem. or not . Any advice would be helpful . Last time I smoked any of this weed was the 70's. I would really like to get this stain back , but not sure how to gem. the first batch I tried had no luck . Use a damp paper towels on a plate coverd with a bowl . Maybe someone out there can help ?


Well-Known Member
Try soaking the seeds in a weak solution of Superthrive for 24 hours. Then, ever so carefully, use needle nose pliers to gently crack the seeds. You don't want to crush the seed, you just want to put a little crack in it. You can do this by holding the seed between your fingers and squeezing on the seed ridge with the pliers. Then put the cracked seeds on a damp paper towel. Fold the paper towel over the seeds and then put the folded paper towel + seeds into a tupperware or gladware container. Then place them somewhere dark and warm. Open the container once a day to get fresh air in there and check to see if the paper towel needs more moisture and also check to see if the seeds are sprouting. If that doesn't work, you might want to try some seed starting plugs of some sort.