Need Some Advice on Growth!!

Okay i can use some much appreciated tips and just general feedback on my grow.
Ok im on a some what tight budget witch will explain my lighting situation.

Ok this is my first grow as well and this is my setup.
2 Plants Shark attack from attitude seed bank.
Im using 150 watt HPS ( tight budget so i have to grow full term with HPS)
The light cycle is 18 and 6
Im using fox farms ocean forest in 1 gallon planters.
Im waiting 3 weeks to start nutes (bontanicare grow) due to FFOF containg nutes for a few weeks.

Here is my problem..
I started my plants as seedlings in my kitchen window (it gets plenty of sun throughtout the day)
because i dont have any other lighting besides my HPS and i did not want to fry the little babies.

They looked lovely but grew slow. About 1 and a half weeks latyer they looked like
they could handle the HPS so i placed them in my make shift grow space.

Enclosed closet with mylar surrounding. My ventilation is a fan blowing out heat from, HPS and a fan bringing in cool air and another fan blowing on the girls.

It looks like theuy just stopped growing and are starting to grow limp..
IDK whats wrong with them any advise would help because the seeds were expensive and i wanna salvage them if possible. HELP

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
They could be needing minerals from water which the rain posesses.
Fox farm soil usually has nutes in it already and it might be burned.
Or its heat stress.
If you can put them outside or back on the window and wait a little more.
& If you can get a picture I could give you a way better answer.
Also alot of grows die because no one invests in a pH meter.
A pH meter is the most important device in growing and without it is like not having water or oxygen or light lumens for the plant.
I Suggest getting one of those.
Hey thanks for the fast suggestions.
I was originally using spring water nut from what ive heard it lack the natural calcuim that tap water produces.
so i used tap water and let it sit for a day to evaporate any chlorine in it.
what minerals in specific?
and it is very hot in there too so i might make a new grow space where my ac can cool it. (is that a bad thing)
and i do not own a ph meter is there a brand you would recommend>
and pictures.. my wife has our digital camera in her purse and is at work so pictures i could post around 8 PM
thanks again man im new to this site
i dont have a thermostat at the moment so i couldnt give a deffinite answer but being in a attic and its 90 degrees outside a ballpark guess would be like 110 due to the light as well


Well-Known Member
I think I read somewher or was it EVRYWHER ...

that between 72F and 80F is best .. up to 85F is ok... unless useing Co2 ..then 90F or so is best ..

so 110F might be a bit to much ?
thanks for the advice, since then i moved them downstairs witch is a huge temp drop from the attic. my house thermostat says 65 with ac on.
im trying to think of the best place to put the girls now.
i dont have any enclosed spaces that arent being used.. any advice maybe put in the corner of my room?


Well-Known Member
or do as me (I startet mine in a corner of my room .. not realizing how much they will smell once they flower)

so Im now building a room (just takeing 1 M of the end of my room .. so it will be 1x3 meters)




not done yet .. missing a small masonite plate and will also cover it in white plastic on the inside aso.

but Im sure you get the idea ..

need to be air/light tight .. need a good ventilation takeing air out .. and a carbon filter to take care of the smell .. a passiv intake to bring fresh air in..

but may I suggest you to go and read a lot of newbie guides/growing guides aso.
ther are a lot of them out ther .. just google it ..

you can get a much better picture of what you need and what it demands to grow inside ..
will also make it much more easy to ask questions since you will have the basic in place ..

good luck .. Im back to my build :)