Need some advice on flushing?


Well-Known Member
As long as the pot drains well and the plants suck up water at a good rate it won't hurt. I leeched mine about a month before harvest to get rid of salt buildup, soaked em good with a water hose multiple times, soil was soaked but normal within the next day or 2.


What you are saying is logical to me. Does this mean that flushing (soil) with FF sledgehammer periodically during the grow is also a waste of time?

Thank you in advance for your help.


I thought it was the point of this whole forum to teach people to grow the best weed, guess i was wrong, it's about pandering to bullshit myths and saying nothing when new growers are talking myths as fact to each other.

Pre-harvest flushing in soil IS an open and closed topic, it doesn't help AT ALL and infact hinders your plants... Are you retarded? Do you not understand this concept?

Allowing new growers to even entertain such a notion is wrong and not helping them at all.

But you just sit back and talk shite while the rest of us try help people.
What you are saying is logical to me. Does this mean that flushing (soil) with FF sledgehammer periodically during the grow is also a waste of time?

Thank you in advance for your help.​


Well-Known Member
What you are saying is logical to me. Does this mean that flushing (soil) with FF sledgehammer periodically during the grow is also a waste of time?

Thank you in advance for your help.
This periodic flushing is pretty much necessary if you are using their chemical ferts (Grow Big & Tiger Bloom), but I'm not so sure using Sledgehammer is. Plain pH'd water will do just fine in periodically flushing the soil of excess salts.

My preference is to flush periodically with 2-3 times normal watering using FF's Big Bloom (4tbsp / gallon), this will flush the soil of salt buildups and leave some good organics behind so that you're not "starving" the plant. This is in line with what was said above... the idea is to rid the soil of salt builup and not all of the good stuff for too long...


This periodic flushing is pretty much necessary if you are using their chemical ferts (Grow Big & Tiger Bloom), but I'm not so sure using Sledgehammer is. Plain pH'd water will do just fine in periodically flushing the soil of excess salts.

My preference is to flush periodically with 2-3 times normal watering using FF's Big Bloom (4tbsp / gallon), this will flush the soil of salt buildups and leave some good organics behind so that you're not "starving" the plant. This is in line with what was said above... the idea is to rid the soil of salt builup and not all of the good stuff for too long...
The BB changes the PH of the RO quite a lot should I adjust the PH of the solution prior to flushing?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
The BB changes the PH of the RO quite a lot should I adjust the PH of the solution prior to flushing?

Thanks again!
Absolutely, never water with anything that isn't pH'd first. For me, BB is actually the only one that I don't have to adjust -- 4tbsp to 1 gallon of my tap water brings it right down to 6.5. :)


Absolutely, never water with anything that isn't pH'd first. For me, BB is actually the only one that I don't have to adjust -- 4tbsp to 1 gallon of my tap water brings it right down to 6.5. :)
I started with RO from the grocery store and after BB it was 5.4, I used a liquid PH up from Stealth Hydro, It did not move the PH very much, 5 drops, then another 10 drops then another 25 drops Ph only up to 6.1 this seems like too much, I am not happy with it, can you reccomend a good PH up?


Well-Known Member
To flush or not to flush? That is the question!

I've grown many times in hydro. Early on, I didn't know about flushing, so just fed my plants to the very last day until harvest... Then I started doing the flush thing for a week prior to harvest.

It's been my experience that the flushed bud doesn't taste or smell as good, so I'm returning to my earlier ways.

I've made a few arguments on the pro-flush side, but with all these reports of it being a myth, and thinking back to my earlier non-flushed grows, I'm leaning towards the myth argument.


Well-Known Member
Here is my two cents for what it is worth.
When growing with chemical nutes:
I give them nothing but water for the last 10 days with a 10% run off. I no longer do the flush with massive amounts of water as I have read that it stresses the plant (unless you do it a bit at a time to let the roots breath). I water every 2nd-3rd day (as the plants require - not on a specific schedule) but try not to water too close to harvest. I generally end with the larger fan leaves turning yellow. This gives me a nice tasting smoke with a nice white ash in the bowl.
On occasion my trich's turn quicker than expected and I harvest after only about 4-5 days of just water. I generally end with the larger fan leaves just starting to fade. The smoke is still OK but does not taste quite as nice and the ash never really turns as white in the bowl & may not burn quite as well in a joint.
When growing with super soil:
I just keep giving them water until harvest. Generally finish with 99% of leaves intact and green as Kermit the frog. This gives me a nice tasting smoke with a nice white ash in the bowl.
Take it for what it's worth - these are just my observations.


Well-Known Member
Hellraizor..when i said there were 2-3 people that actually answered my were one of those people...thanks man i appreciate it. And yeah no worries i can tell a noob from a mile away.

No difference in taste or smoke obi? Like i're probably used to crap smoke then theres a huge difference.

Just to prove a point: I've been growing 20 years on this half acre of land that i own...and personally have so much experience growing that flushing is not necessary. I am also the president of the USA...a billionare...and have enough food to last me the rest of my life.

Now see...i just wrote a whole bullshit paragraph...but since we're on a forum you wouldnt knwo if im lying or not. Thats my point...people can PRETEND to be professional..when in reality their true skills will show through eventually.

Again me a source that says flushing isnt necessary. Funny how i can find a million sources on why flushing IS good.
Here is a start for you then take the time and use your google there are many studies on the subject. As far as hydro or these other hybrid type grows I don't have a clue haven't ever grown in those, but flushing in soil? Enjoy yours and I'll enjoy mine.


Well-Known Member
Here is a start for you then take the time and use your google there are many studies on the subject. As far as hydro or these other hybrid type grows I don't have a clue haven't ever grown in those, but flushing in soil? Enjoy yours and I'll enjoy mine.
my favorite line was this one:

"I did not put this up to convince you that you should not flush, I say to all growers, Do what you do, do what works for you"


Well-Known Member
I grow hydro flood/drain so slightly different but........
I always flush for last 7 days.
Once I didn't.
I could have sold the joints as sparklers on fireworks night.
They sounded like an advert for rice crispies.


Well-Known Member
I grow hydro flood/drain so slightly different but........
I always flush for last 7 days.
Once I didn't.
I could have sold the joints as sparklers on fireworks night.
They sounded like an advert for rice crispies.
That's cos you dried and cured them wrong...those starches pop and crackle.

BUDS DO NOT CONTAIN UNMETABOLISED NUTRIENTS...plants simply don't work like that.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
That's cos you dried and cured them wrong...those starches pop and crackle.

BUDS DO NOT CONTAIN UNMETABOLISED NUTRIENTS...plants simply don't work like that.
personally flushing for taste is a waste, i only flush to remove salt build-up/lock-out, 1 gallon of flushing agent, the rest wormcasting/ cricket poop/bat guano tea, and yes flushing before harvest just starves the plant for the record i have several years of horticulture in h. school and college and 1 yr of plant biology

would like to hear your method of curing, and why you think bud burns down black or ashy white, ever water cured before?


Well-Known Member
personally flushing for taste is a waste, i only flush to remove salt build-up/lock-out, 1 gallon of flushing agent, the rest wormcasting/ cricket poop/bat guano tea, and yes flushing before harvest just starves the plant for the record i have several years of horticulture in h. school and college and 1 yr of plant biology

would like to hear your method of curing, and why you think bud burns down black or ashy white, ever water cured before?
Yep, don't like the extra 10% weight loss tho, it's good for getting a bit that's ready to smoke up 7-8 days after harvest tho.

The "magic trick" to drying and curing is just to let it happen slowly. Let it hang for 1-2 week then jar up.

The reason the ash is black is because with quick drying the plant has no chance to use/break down starches and other complex carbs contained in the buds. It's nothing to do with nutrients.

It's why Riddlem3's "completely submerge the roots for 7 days before harvest" stuff is perfectly smokable after a quick dry, cos the lack of oxygen at the roots forces the plant to ferment its sugars cos it cannot produce more.


Active Member
I've never heard of anyone in the history of agriculture flushing before harvesting. I don't believe tabacoo companies flush either (even though they wouldn't give a shit) . Why is MJ so magical that it needs flushed? I guess i just don't understand how "chemicals" get into the buds of the plant and how dumping water in the soil will magically travel through all the roots into the entire plant and clean it out... you believe that?

Oh and you buy chemical flushing solution to clean out the chemicals in the soil... haha doesn't really seem right does it.
I've said this before it's all a marketing scam. Why wouldn't a company tell you to get better tasting buds to flush with their shit in a can they put a label on to make a buck. Once you flush one plant and not the other then do a proper cure you won't be able to tell a difference.


Well-Known Member
Well, how come it's possible to send plant matter away to get tested for nutrient analysis?

That's cos you dried and cured them wrong...those starches pop and crackle.

BUDS DO NOT CONTAIN UNMETABOLISED NUTRIENTS...plants simply don't work like that.


Active Member
the nutrients that are in the soil are different from the nutrients that are inside the plant. nutes are transfered from your soil into the plant, the roots break down the nutrients into usable/edible food they can digest. but note it is first broken down. Only plant analysis can tell us the actual nutrient status of the crop. Plant analysis can be used to detect low nutrient levels in plants before they are seen by the human eye. Once visual symptoms are visible, top yields and quality have already been compromised. Plant analysis is an important part of planning future fertility programs. Soil testing and plant analysis are designed to work together. Soil testing identifies the soils nutrient reserves and predicts the nutrient needs, while plant analysis identifies the actual nutrient uptake. theres books on this...

as much as everyone thinks, marijuana isn't some special magical plant that needs specail things to grow, it's a plant just like any other.


Well-Known Member
Well, how come it's possible to send plant matter away to get tested for nutrient analysis?
The key part of the quote you seem to have missed is the word unmetabolised.

The whole plant is built from metabolized nutrients, this doesn't mean it contains the nutrients directly from the fertiliser.