Need resivior advice


Well-Known Member
Ok so iahev a 30 gallon tank up in a tree to water all my plants at lower spots in the trees but now im realizing that i wanna do more plants in trees than i had initially planned. problem is i dont have another tank and im to cheap to buy one. i have a 100 gallon plastic trash can its that square kind so i have a good flat area to put a hole but how would i hook a hose outlet up to it?


Well-Known Member
If I were going to do something like that I would be inclined to use a 'flood' fitting, available at all hydro shops around $6.00. They have them with 1/2" and 3/4" barb fittings to attach to. Fletchs aero build shows fittings from hose to barb if I remember right. The 100 gallon trash cans I looked at were not water tight, just sayin' . VV

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
100 gallons? Christ, that thing's going to weigh 800 pounds when it's full of water. How are you planning to mount the sucker?


Well-Known Member
this one is ive already made sure. so to use a flood fitting i will drill a hole in the side or?...
You can look at two things that may help you. I have a thread for a build if a flood and drain table, ingnore the stuff about counter sinking the fitting, that won't be necessary here, and I have thread showing how I installed a 'Sight level'.
I think the fitting that FFLetch uses in his aero build thread would be even better, they don't seem to have any like that around here. Pretty much you need two parts that thread together and a plastic or rubber washer. Another thing you could do is just mount your res, drill a hole in the top big enough for a hose to fit into and then just tie it in place. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
But if i drill a hole in the top then ill need a pump to get the water out. Damn didnt think bout the weight that much. 800 lbs is a lot. guess ill try to put it on a platform and have cables holding it up also but still thats a lotttta weight...gonna be sketchy.