need quick help with PH, have clones coming tommarow


Well-Known Member
Dude!! How can you say thanks but not do anything I said. But what you read somewhere eles? I'm here to help but not fix others advice when your not taking mine.


Well-Known Member
My milwaki has taken a beating and is still right. Well the first one died cuz I threw it at my GF but this one works great. Cheap enough I can replace every year.

GO milwaki! I love mine. I keep my electrode in 7.0 solution and she is always on the money. Fuck yaaaaa!


thought i would update, Ph balanced out at 5.6-60 for 2 days now @ 560 ppm. Just having problems with water temps, which i ordered a 1/10hp chiller, and my drip lines seem to be stopping then starting. i woke up this morning and none of them were flowing, had to disassemble and reassemble it and only 3 will drip now. wtfffffudge....


and sorry warlock, i am reading 500 different things to do, so i just did the easiest thing and bought the Ph up and down, sorry man. I take your advice you got a nice grow! and its not like i didnt use the baking soda or the lemon juice, but they wernt working....and i was probably using to much.