Need opinions.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have been looking for a job for a bit and I finally got a call from walmart. I'm calling the lady back tomorrow because it's too late tonight. Anyways my guess is I'll end up setting up an appointment for an interview. I'm going to try to schedule it for one week from tomorrow. Now I have been getting high daily due to a friend down the street. My question is should I try to stop smoking for a week or are there sure fire ways to clean my system out? I have heard of taking niacin but never had it confirmed and how Long before the test do you take them? Are there any detox drinks that work?
Generally when someone has a job opening they need to fill it as soon as possible and waiting a week isn't ging to work. If you want the job you should set up the inteview ASAP. A week probably wouldn't be enough to clear most everyday smoker's systems anyways. I have taken the niacin and it sucks it turns yur body ll red and you get hot. And drinks they always made me just piss water so f course I was negative but its still a fail. I have read cranberry juice is a good way to detox yourself and lots of exercise and water. You can buy a home drug test to make sure your clear before testing or you can try synthetic/powdered urine.
So your saying my best bet would be to stop smoking now. Drink lots of water and sweat a ton. What's the quickest. I could clean my system? A week ? 4 days?
they won't drug test you for the first interview.

drug tests are expensive. they'll test you once your about to be hired.
Ok well this is my first time going through the interview process. All my other jobs I have gotten have been because I knew someone who could get me the job.
So let's say tomorrow morning I call he back and setup an interview for Tuesday. How long could it be before I get hired, assumming I get the job.
Idk I checked a box agreeing to one on the application so I assumed they drug test.

Why would you check the box agreeing to take a drug test.

I guess they're drug testing for minimum wage jobs now?.... hahaha have fun working in jail!
first of all, you said you've been smoking daily for idk how long, and it can take up to a solid month of no smoking at all to even get ready to pass a ua.. it all depends on how big you are and how much fat that your body has as well since thc is fat soluble, so the more fat you have, the longer it is going to take for you to get clean..
a week or so of no smoking is going to get you no where honestly... i feel that all of those detox drinks and teas and niacin and drinking 15 gallons of water an hour before you take your ua are far too risky.. why take the risk is what i always say..
i've used quick fix synthetic about five or so times now, and have passed each and every time with it.. it's cheaper than some of those detox drinks at $30 for a 3oz bottle of it.. simply follow the directions on the bottle, and you'll pass in no time.. not sure how long it will take to get a bottle shipped to you, but i'm sure if you have a good head shop near you, one of them would carry this product, or some online shops will overnight it to you at a hefty cost of course..
good luck with the ua, and hope you get the job m8..
Ok how does the synthetic stuff work

quick fix is a liquid that comes premixed and all... just plop it in the microwave for about 30 or so seconds, and then crotch it, and place the provided hand warmers on the bottle to keep the temp where it needs to be at.. so long as you're a few degrees within the given range, which i think is around 95 / 100, you're in.. i'm not 100% sure on the temp range, so don't take that as gospel, but the rest of the info i'm sure on.
Ook so they don't go in the room with you? So u can just pull it out and squirt it. Im pretty sure I can find that here. Now to find the 30 bucks.
Ook so they don't go in the room with you? So u can just pull it out and squirt it. Im pretty sure I can find that here. Now to find the 30 bucks.

no, with pre employment ua's, they don't go into the room with you at all... they may pat down your pockets at first and then tell you to go into the bathroom by yourself to do your thing.. most of the time, they don't have any water turned on in the bathroom so they tell you to wash your hands before you go in, and then again when you come out.. they also have some funky chemical in the toilet so that you can't use that water for your sample, god only knows who on earth would do that, but obviously someone must have tried it, other wise they wouldn't go through the steps to stop you from being able to use the toilet water, lol..
Ok well yea I have been getting high cause I want to.

Anyways I'm just going to crotch that shit.