NEED OPINIONS. Green poison grow. 400 watt HPS. Pictures

I really just want some opinions on how much longer i should let my baby go for. I got this seed for free from attitude seed bank and it is green poison by sweet seeds. I use a single five gallon bubbler system, a 400 watt hps and floraduo nutrients and bloombastic. I am not that satisfied with the bud growth at this point so let me know what you all think. I have been waiting for them to explode in growth but it hasnt happened. and my colas are leaning. DSC_0090.jpgDSC_0092.jpgDSC_0094.jpgDSC_0091.jpgDSC_0093.jpg


Active Member
Best thing to do is buy a microscope online so you can view the triclones, ever strain is different in growth time, 50/50 amber and cloudy is usually ripe. As for your bud growth... it looks to be going just fine. Perhaps move the light closer for more light exposure.. Trimming at this point wouldn't be wise, i would have done it in veg if i were you, which promotes more top bud growth.


Active Member
your light looks a little far away for only a's a little too late this time but next time you want to keep it about 12-16in above it.depending on how good your ventilation system is and how cool your ambient temps are.


You cud try a bigger light next time many a 600 or 1k and as count said move ur lights a little closer.That's what I'd do but I'm no expert at all