Need non growing advice


Active Member
:dunce: I started smoking when I started dating my current boyfriend, it has been about 8 months. I have known him for 15 yrs more than 10 of them we did not have contact. Well anyways he always goes to hook-up, I don't know any of his buddies that he goes to. I feel like he may be taking from the stash b4 he gets home. We are growing now, & I bought scales for when we harvest they came up missing. I never have any weed in my possession he always handles it when he leaves he puts some in my stash box. I use b'cause I enjoy the high ofcourse but I have some medical issues that it helps with, it keeps me off pain killers. So what should I do? Also he never offers for me to meet his dealers, never leaves me or sets me up a hook-up when he leaves town. What are somethings I can do or say to find a dealer? How should I handle the other situation? I am not paranoid b'cause of the dope either I feel this way when I am straight also. My gut jsut tells me there is something not quite right I am just not sneaky enough to catch Welp any help or advice would be appreciated.......


Well-Known Member
michelle, i don't let people meet my dealer either. to be honest you never know if you guys are going to stay together and there could be a problem down the road. think of it like a good thing though. no inditement to you. do you have any friends that smoke, any relitives, doubt it though or you would have already tried that route. you could try your local pub to maybe score some. i am glad you are using marijuana instead of pain meds good for you. it is alot better for you trust me. ask around here and get some ideas and you should find your own dealer.

oh yeah, what a perfectly drawn eye. that shit is hard as hell to do!


Active Member
Well I just have ot wonder if he will be that controlling over our crop... he doesn't let me tend to it much... so I guess we will see.....Thanks for the input:?


Well-Known Member
Come on folks, talk to people. he doesnt let you tend to it much? unless ur living at his house and he spent all the money on growing it, u should have some control over the plants. if u tell him about what ur thinking, ur relationship should get stonger. if it doesnt, n shit goes bad roll w/ it.

carpe diem, u only live once, right?


Active Member
He doesn't come out, & say don't touch the plants. It is his body language. I asked him kidding around one nite... I said. "Are u skimming off the top b4 u get home?, he just had a deer in the head light look on his face. It just made me feel uneasy. I don't want it to be an issue, but he also leaves me high and dry quite a bit.... he will burn after I go to bed. I even ask will u please leave me a bit for the morning oh sure he goes..... I love to wake and bake, and I get up and nothing, it's all gone...UGH!!! I am so fustrated....well when I asked him that, I realized how awkward he was I led on it was just me joking around. Again thanks for your time...


Well-Known Member
He doesn't come out, & say don't touch the plants. It is his body language. I asked him kidding around one nite... I said. "Are u skimming off the top b4 u get home?, he just had a deer in the head light look on his face. It just made me feel uneasy. I don't want it to be an issue, but he also leaves me high and dry quite a bit.... he will burn after I go to bed. I even ask will u please leave me a bit for the morning oh sure he goes..... I love to wake and bake, and I get up and nothing, it's all gone...UGH!!! I am so fustrated....well when I asked him that, I realized how awkward he was I led on it was just me joking around. Again thanks for your time...


well next time he picks up put it on to the scales if its right then cool if not say where the hell is the rest of it... say dont let it happen again

also if you want one or 2 for when you wake up then take it to bed with you if you are paying for it then take it and dish it out to him as and when you feel like smokeing

but dont get pushed around or stiched up as all that will happen is it will just carry on then he be takein more and more

as for the plants well just keep an eye out when they start budin and make sure none go missing


Well-Known Member
Well. I've been with my b/f now for 3 years. and im like you, mary jane is medicine. Im already on other meds, but if i didnt smoke, id be on many more. sometimes I catch my bf smoking more than he should b/c we really need to conserve right now, since we havent harvested yet, and i get on his ass. its a 2 way street. He should not be lighting up after you go to bed and leave you with nothing, i mean thats F*ed up. I would suggest doing what AllMeat said. I go to college and when the semester starts, I can look around the room and automatically pick out the stoners. its pretty easy. just strike up a convo. with ppl and you'd be very suprised at who was a fellow smoker. and also if you want to ensure you have some, while he's not home, or when you have a chance pinch a little for you if you know its all going to be gone, im not saying 2 wrongs make a right . but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.


Active Member
man, thats a serious trust issue. I met most of my dealers through friends but I will ocasionally meet someone new at bars, parties, concerts, etc. If you live in California then you should just go to a club.

ps. everyone should send their weed to memphis because we dont have an abundant supply of heads. tis very sad. :cry:


Well-Known Member
For real. On the ride to see my family tonight, my bf and i were discussing this shit, and he was pissed. he said the same thing, i'd hide that shit. michelle, are you paying for it too?


Well-Known Member
:joint:ps. everyone should send their weed to memphis because we dont have an abundant supply of heads. tis very sad.

---Come to Central America! lol:joint::joint:


Active Member
Yes!, god yes!, I pay for my fair share then some. I don't know alot about mannerism when it comes to this so I am just unsure as to how I need to go about getting to the bottom of this. I don't think you guys are getting the whole point, He goes to his dealer gets it, brings it back I rarely ever see it he keeps it hid & dishes it out to me... if I ask for some he tells me I smoke too much, & that we need to cut back until harvest?????? He is NEVER mean about it, he says it in a way that it makes me feel a little uncomfortable to confront him with my questions, damn it I know I am nieve when it comes to this shit I am trying to learn, like i said I just started using it about 8 months ago.....I have gained 23lbs on it.... I was 112 it has been a life saver for me....I just feel like i am under a dictator when it come to him and weed. BTW we don't have many other issues, we get along great, this problem is still inside me I have not opened that can of worms quite yet!! YES I am SCARED!!!!.....lmao:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i just noticed that there is a skull in your pupil, i am telling you what, that is the best I drawing I have ever seen. oh well moving on. the beautiful thing about a relationship is the ability to communicate. if you cannot talk about it, then it is not worth saying. you need to reach down and not grab some balls but some labia and ask him what is going on. if he says we have to ration it out say fine and you want to be included in the rationing after all it is your monies also. if he says no, say you will not be contributing to the cause anymore and find some where else to get it.


Well-Known Member
or just stop having sex with him hahahaha. that would make me change my mind quickly. but seriously, tell him the next time you contribute to the stash you want your cut and tell him the rationing thing is bullshit. buy another scale and hide it. then when he gets back from his dealer weigh it out in front of him. i couldnt be with someone who did that. for 1 thats stealing, and for 2 hes lying about it.


Active Member
I don't know what to do, I don't want it to be an issue. I think next time he goes I will ask him how much he is getting, and I will be like well get me this much.... then that way he will have to produce "my" bag. Then if HE makes it an issue we can get into it... what does eveyone think abou that?????:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You say you've known this guy for a real long time, but you seem to be timid around him, not feeling confident about letting him know what you realy feel and think. If you keep occasional stuff from each other; normal! If it seems anywhere close to 50% of the time you feel you have to act, say or do something that isn't realy how you feel or what you want, maybe consider moving on? Trust is a huge factor in relationships, and if you are always questioning his actions, or feel taken for a ride, where's the fun? I assume you are pretty young? Don't waist your youth being stressed out.

About him not taking you to cop?! That's extreemly normal! I have been married for a few years now, no secrets between us, and I don't know most of my husbands dealers, but I am not putting any 'personal' money in. If you feel shorted, go get a $14 scale and keep it hiden. Find out before you freak out!

Best of luck though!:peace: