Need motivation


Active Member
I have been thinking about growing for awhile, I just dont have the knowledge for it yet.

But I plan on keeping a few seeds and growing them until I can clone 4 fem's.

What would you guys suggest for such a small grow? Also, I dont really know that much about cloning, just what I have read here and there.

:leaf: Thanks! :leaf:

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
depends what your interests are, you can grow small in a box, medium in a closet, or large in a room. Box get fluoros, closet get a 400 or 600 w HID. The bigger the more expensive the start up and more work.
cloning is the easiest thing in the world, FAQ or pm me for my fool proof method when your ready to get started.


Well-Known Member
yo' i cant let my parents know i'm growin so i took my old 4' tall x 2'wide x 4' long' i took the draws all apart and now i'm LIQUID NAILS ing them to the front so really in side this dressor can grow a bunch of plants. I'm not done yet but in the next 3 weeks it should be good. and yea llike Growkindnugs says'' read and look at eveyones grow box/ room setups.


Well-Known Member
Buy Or Download The Marijuana horticuture the indoor outdoor Medical Growers Bible.
I have read that book over and over, I never grew before and after 4 months I was growing like a pro.


Well-Known Member
thing is that they will stink and your parents will know, i think everyone frowns on growing in your parents house, wait to your out of middle school then try it


Well-Known Member
Should never condone underage growing in your parents house, just wrong and idiotic to give any such information to say its ok to do such a thing, karma is real


Well-Known Member
This book should get you started telling you everything you need to start.. Read read.. Gain knowledge from others who are like you and have taken that first step.. There is sooooo much knowledge on the internet.. you just have to commit your self..ima tell you the truth.. i just got laid off and i have never been so relieved,, because when i first heard they were thinking about shuttin down.. i grabed everything i needed!! So now at least i know i'll have plenty of medicine. any way.... good luck.. have a look @ what i got goin..