Need motivation to starting growing again.


Active Member
I didn't really know where to post this. i didn't think it was off topic so i decided it should go here. Last summer i started growing it took me 3 try's to get my plants past 3 weeks of life. But the 3rd time was awesome. I got 3 girls out of 6 seeds and they where 3 separate strains.

I tried regrowing in december got about 4 weeks into it and had a family emergency and had to kill them. Then i restarted last jan and about 3 weeks ago my mother-n-law came over for a week and i was too paranoid about the smell are the noise my home made air scrubber makes so i killed them. I felt so horrible. I even tried cloning my 1st time this last go round and i had 4 out 6 clones take root and i killed them too.

So i need some motivation, because my stash is getting extremely low and i want to start growing again. I just need some advice i guess from others that have been in my shoes and have continued growing. I also need to find a silent solution to my noise problem.

Well thanks and sorry if i make no sense. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
just do it

$hit happens and we get over it

let's see buy from a dealer??? grow my own???

it'a a no brainer :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
start looking up some stealth methods. if your growing for your own needs a simple cabinet grow with a 250-400hps will keep you smoking well. there are ways to muffle the sound of your fans especialy smaller ones.


Well-Known Member
Dude that's nothing, I have had encounters with rattle snakes, CAMP, poison ivy, friends arrested

Like the old saying goes if you want something done right do it yourself

I have lost over a couple hundred plants in one summer, but still going strong and just keeps getting better and better

And let me tell you there is nothing better than whippin out a nice stinky bud to your pals and when they say where did you get it you can just smile and tell them you go it from a good friend. - Never tell anyone you grow

We are living in a great time to be growing and you are in the right place for information for growing

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I find that I get the strongest motivation to grow after I run out of stash and have nothing. I hope you become inspired to begin again before you reach that point as it may be very motivational, but it is NOT fun. Maybe you might want to grow an autoflowering strain that would finish sooner. NEVER GIVE UP!bongsmilie


just need to sit down and think about your plan of action thoroughly. seems like you have more than enough motivation to grow, just the lack of preparation
theres always going to be unforeseen circumstances like a visiting mother-in-law but you have to plan ahead for that kinda stuff.

light one up, give us some more details and hopefully we can help a fellow grower out


Active Member
Sweet guys, its good to know you can talk to somebody about this. I decided to start 6 more seeds tonight since i have off Friday. That way i can place them in cups after they root.

Here's a little run down of my setup and the style i grow. I do Hempy bucket method. There's a huge thread on the Hempy method somewhere on here. Its by far the best option for me and i feel for newbs also. My grow area is in a closet. I purchased a 4ft wide by 6 1/2 ft tall wire shelf from lowes and cut the legs so it stood about 5 and 1/2ft to fit inside my closet. It's works out really nice. I use the buttom 3 1/2 feet to flower and the top 1 and 1/2 to germ. Then the 1/2 foot between holds my air scrubber and random supplies.

I use t5 lights, because they are cheap to power and keep the heat down. I used 4 4ft long t5's throughout my whole successful grow and i'm totally sold on t5's now.

I'm going to start a strain called royal flush, its like a hyper high. I got them from nirvana-shop last summer. I love it. plus i have some seeds that came off a northern light that decided to become a hermy its last few weeks of life. So i assume they should be feminized seeds. i dont have much hope in them though. But figured i should just try them. since they are free.

Also does anyone recommend a auto flowering strain. Cause i would be interested in that if it would cut down my grow time. However if i can get this noise thing fixed then i can start cloning my regular strains and shouldn't need seeds for a long time.

Well gotta go to work so peace out.

Sweet just one more post and i will no longer be stranger danger.